I'll be home with all three kids all summer so my summer will be spent dragging the kids to the pool every morning before they get the chance to start playing video games and want to vegetate on the couch all day. Truth be told I will want to do that too but all four of us cooped up in the house all summer and them driving me nuts with their arguing and fighting makes me physically ill so I'll deal with the hassle of getting them all to the pool. Going anywhere with an infant is a full-blown production so trying to get him and his two older brothers packed for the pool all day everyday is going to be fun (not!). At least it'll make the summer seem really long. My dad and stepmom have very generously paid for my oldest to go to sleepaway camp for a week at the beginning of August, and I mean generous because camp these days is a thousand bucks a week! Insane! I can probably foist the middle dude off on his friend for at least the weekend. Now all I have to do is find someone willing to hang with the infant and I might actually have some daddy & me time though I still probably won't get laid. There will also be the occasional camping trip and probable frequent cookouts. Thankfully, unlike last year, we actually know some people now so this summer won't be so boring.
I just moved to central FL from the panhandle, so I'm closer to beaches, concerts and professional sports. I plan to partake in all these activities and travel more (hooray Southwest hub) as soon as I replenish my savings, which was completely depleted by moving costs. Working from home with minimal travel should afford me a lot of free time I'm not used to having, so I need to be conscious of being inactive out of habit.
School and work, and relaxing weekends. Then a long week of vacation (10 days) at Lake Trinity with 15 of my buddies, off roading, boating, swimming, and partying. The end of July can't come soon enough.
My summer is going to be spent on that beach down there. My house is about 30 meters from the water. The best times are the mornings where we dive/fish for lunch, float a couple dozen beers to this tiny island and chow the fuck down. Two weeks to go.
I've got a lot of big plans for after the big move. I'll be working a new job and re-building my savings. I want to learn how to go on dog sledding trips. There's going to be some ski excursions, hunting and fishing. My goal is to run the Iditarod in two years. I also want to get my own bearskin this year. My family has never even lived with snow on the ground, so there should be a few epic snowball fights. The anticipation is killing me. The plan for next year is Seafair in Seattle. I cannot wait.
During the summer, I competitively paddle Hawaiian Outrigger canoes (Like this: (Stock photo, not my crew) So most of my weekday evenings are spend practicing and working out, while every other Saturday is race day. Over 500 paddlers come for the all day event, with the kids (as young as 6!) racing in the morning, and Adults (as old as 70) racing in the midday/afternoon. After all (50+) events, we have a huge potluck luau, with SO much Hawaiian food. Definitely my favorite part of the long day! One of the races is in Eastern Washington, where we "camp" for the entire weekend. I use the term loosely, because it's just a bunch of tents set up on some grassy fairgrounds. Last year there were extension cords running everywhere, powering rice cookers, coffee makers, even a makeshift stage & PA for live Hawaiian music. But holy shit can these Islanders party. And then get up the next morning and paddle 9 miles in an hour. I can't frickin' wait.
The only real plans I have are going to my buddies lakefront cabin up in the Cariboo for 5 days during the Canada Day long weekend. Last year was a complete and utter shitshow. This year is looking to be more of the same. One of the highlights (besides spending 5-10 hours a day just floating on the lake in a dingy) was probably stealing 100 range balls from the local golf course and pounding them out into the water. Other than that, just hanging out in the sun, going to the beaches and local lakes, and hopefully hitting up my cabin on the Gulf Islands a few times. Working afternoon shift (3 to 9) will give me plenty of time to enjoy the sun before going back to school in the fall.
This thread depresses me a little since my entire summer is virtually mapped out already. I hate having shit planned. Sailing, sailing, sailing, and fishing for stripers and later tuna while hitting as many dockside pubs as possible and working no more than 3 days a week sums up my July-August plans. A couple of engagement/graduation/birthday parties will interrupt me from the above pursuits but not for long. I've already dropped my truck off at a long term parking facility close to the airport in Portland Maine so I can fly in and out of ME with a little over an hour commute to the boat. Sweet.
I've got a couple of festivals lined up, got Glastonbury festival in a couple of weeks. Seven days of drink, assorted illicit substances and a metric fuckton of bands. Stevie Wonder is going to be playing and I'm making a sign for him. After that I've got a few messy weekends in London lined up and at the end of summer a day out to Leeds festival to watch the Arcade fire. And of course as many parties, raves and bbq's I can possibly fit in around work as well.. Tis shaping up to be a good few months
That's better... lots of that. Make my best effort to keep meat on the grill 24/7, and lifting as heavy and frequently as my body will allow. Go see Social Distortion in Rochester, NY. Spend a week in Atlanta when my play-sister is back from the Mideast. Collect on a blow job this chick in Tampa has owed me the last couple years. Ride motorcycles. Shoot guns. Weekly beach trips. Be a complete redneck in sleeveless coveralls, covered in axle grease.
I'll be taking my son to as many of Texas' natural springs as possible. For example, San Marcos springs:
Aside from a few weekend camping trips, my summer will culminate August long weekend, with a childhood friend's stag, golfing and condo-ing in Canmore (with strippers!). After that, a mere six hour jaunt will take me to the parents' condo in Kelowna, where I'll hang out at the pool with the friendly, 30-years-older-than-me neighbours in the mornings, and eat mushrooms/talk to girls on the beach in the afternoons. Oh, and I'll probably spend a day mountain biking in Kimberly. Who wants to come?
I hope to be traveling to China this summer to visit my brother and hopefully find some sort of work over there and start this little thing we call life. Itll probably end up with me drinking way too much visiting some cool sites and coming back to look for shitty work in this shitty economy. If I do get back before summer is up I'll spend it grillin, drinkin, and trying to find some sexin.
My summer is focused toward applying to grad programs. I'm working, taking a class, adding on to my certification, and volunteering in a pediatric facility and hospital. Besides that, I'm just taking the random trip to Austin or Atlanta for a few days. Nothing too fabulous going on here.
I spent 4 days in Algonquin over the May Two-four weekend, 5 more coming in July centered around Canada Day where we'll be hitting 4 lakes in 4 days, and a buddy and I are planning another week in September after all the rugrats go back to school. For those not familiar, Algonquin is a 750sq.km. provincial park about 3 hours north of Toronto. Truly the most awesome place to unwind for a few days.
Leaving Sunday to go to NYC for the summer, doing some financial work in the form of an internship there. It'll be cool to see how particular financial companies hold up while legislation is being passed. It'll also be cool to see if I actually still have my internship by the end of the summer!* I think that there are three great things about this: 1) I'll be working in an extremely fast-paced setting doing something I'll probably find extremely interesting, in an area I have almost no knowledge of. This is also going to open a lot of doors for me career-wise if I really work my ass off. 2)I just started getting back into my longer runs after taking a solid month off starting when our T&F championships ended. It feels AWESOME and I can't wait to really get into a groove, currently I am at 3 to 4 by 40min a week, hope to be up to 5 or 6 by 50min a week by the end of next week. Getting that endorphin release from running feels awesome, not many things are better than it. And I can finally hit the weight room hard as my conference championships are over and I don't need to worry about bad racing due to lifting! I really like to lift hard and get some good plyos in (most importantly with great technique, weight doesn't mean shit) when I'm training, just doesn't feel quite as right if I'm not lifting to compliment my running. I'm going to bank on summer training getting me an edge over the other competitors in my conference at the championships. Also feels good to actually have goals to hit, now that I know what I am going to be running for the rest of my college career. 3)I'll be staying at NYU at the recommendation of a couple of members of this wonderful, idiotic board, because A) It'll be my last time ever in a dormroom-setting, which should be a lot of fun (and I kind of missed out on the whole dorm-lifestyle, I am way too focused on school/track during the year) and B) A lot of hot girls are apparently there in the summer. Guess which of those two convinced me to stay in NYU? I want to reclaim the freshman year I missed people--give me some recommendations of things to do! All in all, a great summer, as I'll be out of my 1st home, out of my 2nd home (where I go to college) and most importantly out of my comfort zone! I'm excited for Sunday. *Passing Legislation on hedge funds and derivatives trading ='s a shitload of things on the street are going to change, really quickly.
I plan to spend most of my summer trying to find a job, since having been unemployed for over 12 months now, I really miss actually *going to work* (boredom is a killer). Other than that, I've recently found out there's a gym I can afford on my budget nearby, so I plan to join that and work out as much as possible to lose weight and get in shape, all with the ultimate aim of asking a girl I have a huge crush on to go to dinner with me.
I'll be spending 13 lovely weeks at MCRD Parris Island starting Monday. I hear the rifle range is beautiful in July.
First I'll return to this place to do this thing: Spoiler With these people: Spoiler Then it's back home for a lot of this thing with these guys: Spoiler