the south park video near the bottom, for example, when i go here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=253693&start=285
i've been having some issues with getting bounced off the site this morning. i log in, navigate a page or two, and wham!, kicked out the back door. log back on, and repeat.
not sure what to say... maybe binary was rebooting the server or something... but i haven't experienced any issues like that. and when reporting specifics, please try to be exactly that... specific. i'm assuming that means that you were forced to the login page, as if your login session was made invalid and you had to log back in again.
yes, exactly. sorry for the inexactness. as happyfunball kindly pointed out "the back door" typically means only one thing around here.
here's something i've noticed. clicking on links opens the link in the same tab instead of opening in a new tab.
yeah, that was a hack i put in the original code that probably got overwritten by the update, and hadn't gotten around to fixing yet. binary got it done, though. good guy binary... you all owe him more thanks than i think he's getting.
i just tried to open noland's picture in the kodak moment thread and it showed a broken link. then when i went to go back to the board index, it made me log-in. this has happened with a few other pictures too. is this a problem with the board or my browser?