Seeing as I live in the middle of the Twin Cities, I probably couldn't escape to the woods very easily (my first choice). So if you had a brain, you'd keep the fuck away from my block until things cool down.
Apart from guns, I can't seem to decide if a bat or golf club would be a better choice of weapon. I'm thinking a golf club would be messier, as it would kind of hack into the Zombie, and I like that.
Yeah, but what happens when you get your lob wedge stuck on a rib? Lob wedges are handy, and contrary to popular belief, a sand wedge is NOT an equal replacement.
I'd stock up on beer and ammo, then sit on top of my roof with a cooler full of Budweiser and blow them away with my 12 gauge.
Stay away from the toilet unless I have a couple of flatulent Japanese schoolgirls around. At least I think that's the point of this. Mostly I'm just confused. NSFW NSFW
If I couldn't shoot them, I'd go midieval on their asses with a double-headed axe on a long pole. Until then... Spoiler A custom 10/22 would do the trick. Super fast and reliable with lethal precision. Put a supressor on it and they wouldn't know where it came from.
This is somewhat related, it was sort of a 'photodiary of the zombie apocalypse' that I thought was very cool SC2 players might get a really dumb laugh at the ninth day as well.
My plans would vary depending on what kind of zombies I'm facing. Are there the shambling Night of the Living dead type zombies? The 28 Days Later/High School of the Dead type? And what kind of contagion are we talking about?
Too late to edit but probably helps if I include the link: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
The UK must be the worst place for a zombie outbreak to happen, between the bad teeth and the lack of ready access to firearms I for one am dreading the coming zombie feed-a-thon. My plans so far consist of getting a chainsaw and a motorbike, riding to the nearest Country Estate/Museum and stealing myself a set of armour. Buck toothed or not, I sincerely doubt that they can bite through steel. Even if I get tired from walking around in a full set of armour all the time, I could sleep in it in the middle of a herd of zombies and wake up fine.
If I'm going to get bit, please oh please don't let it be while I'm pooping. I don't want to be that zombie that lumbers around with his pants around his ankles and a case of mud-butt.
The best spot to live would be on some sort of island, but where there's access to plenty of food/water etc. Obviously Zombies can't swim, so as long as you kill all the zombies that are on your island, it's safe. You could probably play mummy and daddy on Alcatraz or something, and just make day hunting trips to San Fransicso when you're short on supplies. I'd probably steer clear of tropical islands, because the thought of Zombie monkeys is just too much.