Legal Wiki. You have a wiki site with pages discussing various legal topics. What constitutes Gross Negligence in New York State? What do I need to do to keep my corporation compliant with new British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act? Basically, whenever you do a research project at work at your firm, you can then go onto the site and upload the results of your work. Other people can take a look, see what sources you used, verify it, and save themselves hours of time. It would mean in-house attorneys wouldn't need to turn to outside counsel nearly as much. You would need a system in place to make sure everyone contributing is a licensed attorney, but it seems that with how expensive Lexis and West can be, a really good free resource would have a lot of demand. Then you just sell ads. ....There's a bunch of attorneys on this site. Anyone game?
Besides Alaska, where the fuck are these states? Someone in Fargo, ND had a really great idea: When you drive to the bar, get drunk, and need a ride home, you can take a taxi, but you still need to get your vehicle from the bar in the morning. These people will bring someone to drive your car home for you, with a chase vehicle to pick up the driver at your place. I called them one time and I think it was like $20 to drive me and three friends home. A bit more expensive than a taxi, but still much cheaper than a DUI. If I wasn't such a drunk I'd seriously consider starting up a business like that in my hometown.
Idea: Party Drop You're at a party, having a good time. Suddenly the one bitch of the party cracks open the last beer. You're now out of alcohol, cigarettes and weed. You call me, I bring a dimebag, pack of smokes and a bottle of jack and a carton of beer for $160. Cigarettes - $20 Dimebag - $25 Jack Daniels bottle - $35 Carton - $50 I stay for the party..
Some places in Arizona and Utah will have snow on the ground 9 months of the year. Not that it snows year-round, but that the snow just doesn't ever melt away. Once you get into high altitude, it's not that uncommon. Even Hawaii has snow 365 days a year.
I had an the idea to have instant rewind and recording features on a radio but just before found out it's an iPhone app.