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That's My Bush!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Question for the guys who prefer (or will only handle) complete shaved/waxed poons:

    Isn't a stubbly vagina equally unattractive and uncomfortable (if not more so, in my opinion) to one that has some - gasp- hair? Or are all of you lucky enough to only have sex with girls who are crazy and/or rich enough to wax as soon as it starts growing in again (which I don't think you can do anyway)? That's what always gets me about the whole thing. Sure, it looks and feels good for a couple of days, but then it just...doesn't. Although, I've never waxed, so maybe that's different, but it's still going to happen eventually. I haven't shaved myself completely bare in a while, but I know that when I did the first week or so felt awesome, and then after I was more worried and distracted about it looking weird than when I had manageable hair. (And I know that isn't just me. I've heard plenty of comments, both from my friends and on here, about girls either refusing or being much more resistant to the thought of sex because it was their week between waxes or whatever and they were feeling self-conscious. That doesn't really happen with girls who keep it.)

    As for me, I reduce, both in size of the area and in length of the hair. It's not really a landing strip, but more like a fun-size version of what pubes normally look like. It looks better, it doesn't get in the way, the upkeep is easy, and it keeps my energy and focus on much more important things.

    And for guys, I find clean-shaven a turn-off. It's just weird to me. It looks weird. It feels weird. The image I get in my head of him shaving it is weird. I don't like it. It's not that I looovveee pubes, but I've never given any thought to a guy's pubic hair when he has it. Ever.
  2. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    I trim from my knees to my neck with a #1 buzzer to even out my gorilla style body hair (I also get my back waxed but that's for another discussion). From there, I take my Fusion out and shave the sack and base of the shaft. Nothing better than the feeling of having nice shaved balls. Plus, the girlfriend loves to suck on them then.

    As far as what I like, my GF waxes around once a month. In between, she lets it grow out a bit to make it easier to wax. I'm okay with it but honestly don't care for it. Having it look clean and bare is much more desirable for me. It probably wouldn't be as bad if she cleaned it into a shape in between, but just short everywhere makes it look kind of weird (okay, not like its spreading way out to her legs or anything).

    You can guess when I really enjoy eating my girlfriend out, and when I like to take a pass and move straight to the sexin'.
  3. lust4life

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    Tiny bit, yes. But when the phrase, "It's a jungle down there" springs to mind, I have the same preference as JoshP. "Bushman of Borneo" isn't one of my fantasies. Luckily, my wife obliges me by getting waxed on a regular basis (an ordeal she insisted I witness--reminded me of childbirth without the kid). She gets flowers on waxing day, among other things.

    As for my own naughty bits, my pubes don't bother her, so there's no need to tend the garden. It's low maintenance--washed in the shower and towel dried (though she does like pointing out the fact that "some snow has fallen and it's starting to stick").
  4. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I shave clean about once a month, even a bit above my package. Shaved balls are the best -- they stay cooler and feel better while jackin' it or having sex. I first did it back in high school when my girlfriend sucked my never-been-shaved balls and blew my mind. I had no idea girls were willing to do that. Then I kept it up on the off chance a girl would be nice enough to do that again. At this point, it just feels better, especially compared to letting it grow out a bit. Gets all hot 'n itchy.

    As for in-growns, not sure what you all are doing, but I've had maybe five in my life. I mean, these are your genitals, people. It's not like shaving your face or legs where you can do it in a hurry. A sharp blade, hot water, lotsa soap, and for fuck's sake, take your time! I also suggest masturbating first to tighten things up, for the guys. Actually, I also suggest masturbating first for the girls, too, but that's just because I want to encourage female masturbation in general.

    On girls, completely bare is a nice treat, but I wouldn't want it 100% of the time. I'm not as upity as some of the other guys on here, but don't expect me to hang out very long in a full-blown bush. This isn't camping. Also, I would think that, like my smoothly-shaved balls, it would feel better for the girl if it's more tongue-on-skin than a bunch of hair.

    I also happen to think that, since relative hairlessness is one of our distinctly human traits, shaving is a way we attempt to speed up our evolution. But that's probably too science-y for a thread about crotch hair.
  5. JoshP

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jun 7, 2010
    I don't mind stubble in the least, it comes with the territory and beats the alternative of long hair. I mean I doubt any women here would want to lick a mans goatee. My ex just had a waterproof electric razor for her lady parts and was able to use it every other day or every 3 days and it was smooth more often than rough.
  6. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    To the guys who demand and expect Brazilian waxes on their women: I hope you feel like springing for the $70/3 weeks it roughly amounts to. Or at least are buying her the equivalent in dinners to compensate.

    I used to love getting Brazilians when I was in BC because they only cost about $30 at the time. Of course, then you have the problem of regrowth. Since you're getting waxed, you cannot touch the hair in between waxes. That means by week 2 I've got short hairs everywhere, and by week 3 I look like I never got waxed in the first place. So for one week out of the month, I meet the standard of what dudes require.

    When I came back to the States and it's about $65 sans tip, it's just not really feasible for me anymore. Which is tragic, because I LOVE getting them, and having them. I thought about doing it myself, but when I tried waxing my legs once, I tore off all the skin and made myself bleed, and I just can't imagine transferring that experience to my vagina. Now I just go for the trim/maintain, but having dark hair, I'll never win that battle anyway.

    Fuck, I hate these threads. They always remind me why I keep my vagina to myself.
  7. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sharing is caring.
  8. Devils Advocate

    Devils Advocate
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    Feb 18, 2010
    This thread has made me giggle alot.

    I am OCD when it comes to hair. If I could get everything lasered except for my eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on my head, I would. I hate stubble. It drives me insane. I can't fucking sleep if there is stubble anywhere on me.

    That being said, I shower twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. Which means I shave twice a day. I do not use shaving cream. I use conditioner, it leaves me so much silkier. I do not get ingrown hairs. I do not get stubble. I am a huge believer in this, and it works. Shaving every single day is not horrible. Shaving twice a day is not horrible. I let conditioner soak in my hair anyway. While that is going on, I shave. I like not having to worry about whether I am "touchable" or not. It makes me alot more comforable, and I haven't had any complaints.

    Guys: If you plan on getting a damn good blowjob, don't expect to have any hair on your balls. Licking and sucking on hairy things is not sexy nor does it turn me on. Does it turn you on? I don't think so. The sleeker you are the easier it is going to go on the both of us.
  9. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I use a DE razor about once every two weeks or so. If I'm showering and say "Yeah, it's too long," it goes. I get REALLY itchy for the few days that I'm bare, so it's kind of annoying. But it's better than having a full-on bush.
  10. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    I shave everything every other day. I like being completely bare; it's just easier to maintain and feels cleaner to me. People talk about ingrown hairs and stubble, but I probably get an ingrown 2-3 times a year. And, stubble isn't really a problem. I've never had any complaints about being bare.

    I don't like extremes on guys. Completely bare makes me think of a cheesy porn star; guys have hair all over so why have a patch without it? Full-on bush makes things smelly and, therefore, I'm less likely to spend a ton of time down there. I used to ultrasound some guys who had the smelliest, rankest junk I've ever smelled. I never saw their balls or dick, but I pictured a rainforest in place of male genitalia.
  11. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I buzz my hair (on top of my head) about once a week so it's easy to put the #1 trimmer on my clippers and just buzz my dick fro down. It takes about 30 seconds and I do nothing more than that. The thought of stubble on my balls makes me cringe.
  12. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I intensely dislike the sensation of stubble against my groin. This makes it so sex with someone who shaves their pubic region is less of a fun time, as well as it being really really unlikely that I'll ever help some random dude pay his rent. That said, oral sex with someone who has a bunch of hair just gets a bit stifling.

    Sensation-wise, I prefer trimmed or waxed. Aesthetically, trimmed. And as I'm not keen on taking something razor-sharp and putting it near my balls, I'll just stick to trimming for myself.
  13. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    I am actually surprised at how many guys are taking a razor blade to their nut sack. Are you pulling it taught like a bat wing? Shit I trim with a guard on and I have still nicked the crinkly nut skin. I usually keep everything trim and have never once been told anything by any girl. Someone put it pretty well the last time we had one of these threads. Body hair is a very masculine feature, the less of it the more feminine a girl will look. I am fine with a trim patch on top but don't really like it when it goes around he side and bottom.
  14. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    It's actually pretty easy. Yes, you pull it taught (usually down) and just shave downwards. Make sure to put a lot of soap (I usually reapply soad midway though) and you're good to go. I can honestly say the only time I've ever cut myself (happened once) is when I was getting really aggressive at shaving the gooch. Never nicked my sack and never nicked my shaft. You feel much lighter and free afterwards.

    EDIT - it's actually much easier to shave with a razor than a electric buzzer. Much, much, easier.
  15. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    You know how your balls stay tight after cumming? Well, aside from just being a great feeling, that also makes razor-shaving them a breeze. You don't have to pull anything anywhere. I'm sure when I first started shaving I had some nicks, but I honestly can't remember the last time that happened, or even the last time I had an in-grown. I really think the key is using a sharp blade and going lightly. Very lightly. As in, 1/10th of how much you would on your face. You just need lots of soap and patience. At this point, I actually quite enjoy looking forward to a lazy Sunday where I can sleep in, surf the internet/watch porn, then hop in the shower, soap up my balls and shave them smooth.

    Again, I do this way more for comfort than for looks, since I'm pretty sure girls decide if they're gonna sleep with me or not WAY before they see my dick. It's mostly for day-to-day comfort, with the added bonus of girls being more willing to suck 'em, and it feeling ten times better when they do.
  16. WASPnest

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    Average Idiot

    Dec 9, 2009
    Most of the girls I've been with have been trimmed. I like it, and do the same. Seems to me it's easier than shaving, and still keeps everything short enough that no one gets pubes stuck in their teeth.

    I've only had one girl who was clean shaven. Fucking her sounded like someone was stomping on a wet rubber glove. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
  17. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I actually found that a double-edge razor works best. I don't even use soap; you just jump in the shower, soak the razor in water, soak your nuts in the stream, and lightly shave. The hair is much easier to cut than the stubble on your face, so you barely need any pressure. Take your time.

    The one time I tried using an electric buzzer, the buzzer wasn't sharp enough, so it was just pulling the hair out. No thanks.
  18. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    How old are you people?

    I'm 27. I'm pretty sure I have only seen 3 pussies that weren't bare completely in my life. Two of them were in high school. Only one since, and I refused to touch it. I thought every girl shaved or waxed or lazered that shit.

    A girl shouldn't have any hair below her head. I'm fine with girls that do, they should just know that I won't be banging them, undressing them with my mind, masterbating to them, or anything similar.

    eww. hair.
  19. BrianH

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I've seen it all, and I definitely prefer some hair on my ladies. Smooth underneath is preferable, but up top I like a landing strip, or a triangle, or a hitler stache, or SOMETHING that alerts me to the fact I'm not fucking a 10 year old. Smooth bald is a neat little treat once in a while, and the lady does it every once in a while, but I love the look and feel of some hair. I even like my landing strips to be a bit longer, too.

    I take care of business down there when the lady is around. Shaved down below, trimmed up top. Easy to do, clippers are DEFINITELY a no-no on the balls, though. Quick work of it can be made with a DE razor or a Mach 3.

    Right up my alley:

    Attached Files:

  20. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Dude, how old are the girls you're banging?


    For seriously though, are you being serious with the "they should just know that I won't be..." bullshit? Like, you're saying that if you met a girl, liked her, went back to her place and found she had a landing strip or even some stubble, you'd take your boner and go home? What did the girl you 'refused to touch' say?

    I'm 28, and in my experience, completely bare is common, but certainly not the standard. To quote a female friend who I showed your post to, "Somebody like that doesn't deserve any woman, hairless or not."

    Weird, at times this place seems so, I dunno, open minded and accepting, but then threads like this happen and half the guys come across like uppity prudes.