Ok, I'll bite. I've NEVER understood this mentality. Since when does the amount of hair have anything to do with the maturity/age of a woman you're fucking? And why would fucking a 10 year old ever cross your mind? I can honestly say that's the last thing that would cross my mind if I'm about to put it in a lady. I'm guessing it has to be a generational thing where back in the day having a bush somehow proved you're a woman; but like Frebis I'm 27 and definitely prefer bald. However, I wouldn't turn a girl down because she has a landing strip. It's just a preference. As a previous poster said, body hair is a masculine thing, the less on a woman, the better. Plus, pubes are gross in general. Here's a question to you gents. Say you just had the chance to bed the hottest actress out there. But, when you got her home you found out she was bald (BrianH) or had some hair (Frebis) down below. Would you turn that shit down? Hell no.
I honestly think this is just an easy go to argument then it actually having anything to do with reality. Why would anyone, besides pedophiles, ever relate a bare woman to a bare child? No one equates this same thing when a woman shaves her armpits/arms/legs.
I take it your female friend has more hair on her bush than Kid had on his head in the house party movies? I also dont get the pedophile thing. You would think that the rest of the girl you are fucking would remind you that the girl isn't 10. Unless you only bang skinny, underdeveloped short chicks. If that is the case, you may just be Chris Hansen bate.
But I've heard that argument countless times from both men and women (men saying that they NEED hair and women saying that they want to feel like a woman so they have hair). The argument they make is just completely irrelevant to me. I'm just trying to understand I guess.
FOCUS: Count me as another not a fan of body hair. My own is one thing. I trim pretty regularly. I usually trim it down with clippers and clean up the shaft, and down below with a razor. I totally agree with everyone who says it feels cleaner and more comfortable, especially in the summer. I've nicked myself a few times, but it could be way worse. As far as girls, I really just don't like it. That wasn't a porn situation or anything. My first gf had a giant bush and the first time I put my hand down there I had my excitement for the moment tempered with a "wtf, that feels terrible" moment. I wouldn't mind a landing strip or something up top, as long as its clean down below, but in my experience, unless the girl is clean all around, I get some unpleasant surprises. Its probably a result of two experiences. One was a girl who had a full on bramble patch and after some drunken cajoling and promises, she agreed to shave it. I dove in like a kid into a pile of leaves to find she hadn't touched anywhere below her public bone...shudder. It was like she was giving birth to a baby bear. The other was my ex who didn't have thick hair, but it was long and wispy, just really unattractive. And she trimmed it, it was all grand and then let it grow back out, almost worse. My gentle plea for middle ground lead to a screaming match about how all I wanted to do was "change her". Needless to say the relationship ended soon after for other reasons. I had a former hook up who had an odd tuft of hair at the time, almost a vagina mohawk, which I thought looked kind of cool till I realized hair other places down below. I really enjoy going down on a girl and take pride in making sure they have a good time, but hairs in my mouth aren't fun and when it gets all saturated down there, thats even less fun. Stubble really doesn't bother me. Visually it is what it is, and you can kind of avoid it. However, if you're stubbly ladies, PLEASE be careful when enjoying yourself and pushing your man's head down. That is some nasty friction, uggh.
I've never turned down a hot woman. I'm not a fan of a full bush at all (for the hair on tongue reasons), but I've never said "nope, can't go on, this is gross." It's a nice change of pace if I've got a wild hair. I ain't too picky. That said, there is something very GIRL about being bald, and something very WOMAN about having some hair. Not a ton (see photo above), but something. And I love the way it tickles my nose.
You know, that's a fantastic question. I've been around these boards (TMMB/RMMB/TiB) for a long time, and there have been lots of threads in which personal grooming habits have come up. There are always those who state they absolutely refuse to fuck/go down on/touch/acknowledge the existence of a woman who isn't completely shaven. Now, the odds of ALL the women they've had sexual relations with being shaven clean would be pretty steep, I'd think. Sure a lot of women do it these days, but come on, if they've been with any number of women they HAVE to have run into a few who weren't up to their standards. So...how did you handle it, guys? When you send them packing or get up to leave, what do you say? Do you make an excuse, or do you come out and say "damn, that's some thick bush, and I left my scythe at home. I'm not the Grim Reaper, yo! See ya!" And let's hear it Tibettes...how about that time you let it go for a while because you were on a dry spell, and a last minute happy hour turned into closing down the place, which turned into bringing some drunk guy home for a little spontaneous somethin' somethin'? Did you get turned down when he heard the wind rustle through your untrimmed hedge? Did he stay, but was clearly bothered by your lack of smooth skin? Did he even notice? Or was he all over that like...well, like a late night after bar hook up? Be honest... As for me, I run a trimmer through it every couple of days for upkeep. I'm no sculptor, but the job gets done. Not being very hairy makes things loads easier, I'd imagine.
Maybe it is a generational thing. I'm 32 and I definitely disdain the completely bald look. To me, pubic hair just looks more mature and womanly. I also came of age right before the age of easy internet porn, so seeing bush in film or print was a definite sign that you were viewing adult fare. Also what little actual porn I did see during those years was from the 80s, in which most of the woman had bush. So the association that formed in my mind was: pussy with hair = sexual woman's, pussy without hair = non-sexual prepubescent. And fuck, pubic hair is a developmental sign of sexual maturity, so it's kind of genetically hardwired into our brains to make that association in the first place.
I've actually withdrew advances and slowly eased out of the situation. If you run your thumb below the belt of their pants and feel a forest, it's better for both of your sake's if you just continue making out (or whatever you're doing) and eventually call it a night. I did this twice in college. Granted, it wasn't just a small landing strip, but something along the lines of this.
Are you staring at her bush the entire time you're having sex? Does it really matter? If you don't like the pubes, just skip going down on her and get to business. I hope the day never comes that my dick doesn't work, but if it does, I'd kick myself for turning down sex just because she didn't want to shave herself clean. I dislike getting hair in my mouth as much as the next guy but damn... it's pussy no matter what!
One of the nice things about bush is that it gives a sense of importance to underwear removal. Without it, its like “oh more skin. No different from a knee or elbow." I like the extra intimacy of seeing hair. Am I the only one who likes playing with a little hair sometimes? I feel like if you need your partner unnaturally bare, your sex is probably kinda vanilla.
I personally don't mind a little hair, but seriously, that's an amazing and ridiculous leap of "logic."
Question for the ladies: Without going into too much detail, let's just say that there was a tragic manscaping accident and mistakes were made. How does one go about dealing with a plethora of ingrown hairs?
Aaaaaand, then this thread came along and it'll pop into your head EVERY time now. This thread is educational, for sure.
I think you just have to let it naturally go away. For God's sake don't dig around in it. That's how Gangrene Guy from Summer '10 got gangrene going into his ball and up into his body near his bladder. All of that shit started from an infected ingrown hair...he couldn't leave it alone.