I'd have to go back and watch it, so you might be right. I could have missed the implication, because Sophie's Choice doesn't quite score up there with Inglourious Basterds or Schindler's List when it comes to explicit Nazi references.* *I mean, it does but it also doesn't. It's a kind of boring movie that takes a long time to get to the idiomatic "Sophie's Choice", which Spoiler refers to the fact that Meryl Streep's character has to choose which of her two children is sent off to death. In the meantime, there is a lot of time spent in Brooklyn with Sophie, her crazy ass boyfriend, and John Cage.
I thought Sandra Bullock's speech was poignant and graceful. Especially when she offered to house Precious and teach her how to play football.
I believe the playful barbs towards George Clooney, that Sandra Bullock and some of the others displayed were purely in jest. George Clooney is a bit of a playful prankster while on set in many of his movies. Here's just a little example. If Clooney pulled a prank on me like that I could see myself jabbing back at him on stage. It's not like Sanda Bullock dwelled on it, plus it had already been brought up before.