This is pure conjecture, but the only problem I could foresee is dropping into coverage, something a lot of linemen aren't forced to do. I imagine Wade Phillips is going to line up Williams at the LOS a lot. At least until he gets used to playing out of a two point stance. In a best case scenario, I can also imagine Mario Williams 20 pounds lighter, way faster, and lining up all over the goddamned place and getting 10+ sacks a year for the rest of his career. At worst he forces a trade to a team to a 4-3 and becomes effective again.
Not just any retractable roof stadium. A 1.1 billion dollar stadium. As in, nearly as much as the Cowboys' stadium. Also, the stadium deal is far from being finalized. The plan calls for over $300 million coming from the state, which already has a $6 billion budget deficit. Not only that, but there seems to be plenty of public opposition to the stadium. Article: I think that the Vikings are going to get a new stadium in the next couple years (in Minneapolis, not LA), but I doubt that it's going to be this stadium. They're really going to have to stretch for the funding.
Yeah awhile after I posted I realized it wasn't yet final. I had just assumed it also got approved by the state today also. Our governor supports it so I really hope it goes through the rest of the government though. The public might not support it but when does the government ever really listen to the citizens anyways?
My only question is do they really need to go that big price tag wise? Is it all go big or go home or what? Do they need to go as big as Jerry FF* Jones did? Seriously? I know the Metrodome sucked donkey balls but does the pendulum have to swing the complete opposite way, and that hard? *FF=Fuckface for those not following along.
I think the stadium itself was around $880 million. The rest of the cost was for some road upgrades[that were needed anyways, I've driven the roads], clean the site since it was a former munitions factory and the ground is kinda polluted, and then I believe there was money included for some Target Center[T-wolves] upgrades. I don't understand the Target Center upgrades, I've been there for a few concerts and it seems like a decent place. As far as going over the top with it, I'm sure they want to one-up Target Field[Twins] which now seems to be recognized as the best place to catch a game in the MLB. I've saw one game so far there and it really is an awesome place.
The article I saw, which I can't find now, said that Ramsey County (St. Paul, not Minneapolis) had already officially partnered up to help with the funding...
I was at that game too. It had been a few years since I was there and I was shocked how small the screens seemed compared to what you see now. Just walking through the place feels like taking a time machine back to the 1980s or early 1990s.
Try going to Candlestick Park and seeing what football stadiums were like in oh say 1973. If the teams want to build monuments to their Owners egos then let them spend their own money. Joe Robbie did it with the Dolphins. If I am going to a football game, it is for the action on the field. I am not going for a comfortable seat, or better concessions or wider aisles or bigger screens. Just give me a team worth watching and a parking lot that I can get out of after the game without a 2 hour wait. Everything else is just bullshit.
The homer in me wants to say Denver's draft was in the top 5 this year, or at least, vastly better than any draft since their stacked class of '06. They got 3 starters right away (2 for their LB corps, the other a vicious interior OL from "The U"), and also picked up the consensus #1 and #2 safeties in the entire draft - a ball-hawk center-fielder, and a SS known for being a hard hitter. Hell, even their 7th-round pick, Jeremy Beal, was projected in the 4th-5th. It's not THAT impressive for a 4-12 team, but it's still top-to-bottom solid. It's rare that what the fans clamor for and what the front office actually does closely coincide, but "defense, defense, defense" was on everyone's mind, it seems. My only short-term concerns are the switch back to the Zone-Blocking scheme, and the lack of addressing so far at the DT position. I'd say 'fuck Tim Tebow' also, but that horse (bronco?) has been beaten to death and I don't want Hotwheelz to run me over. Plus, I'm kinda starting to believe in the guy.
I've never understood the stuff like fancy sit-down restaurants and arcades at football/baseball stadiums. If you aren't watching the game, why are you there? That said, a certain level of comfort is nice to have. I like Great American Ballpark a lot better than Cinergy Field.
My respect for Josh Freeman just tripled. I become more and more impressed with him as time goes on. It's not a major gesture, but being such a proactive leader isn't something you see in many young QBs like this.
Leave it to the man that just built the 100 trillion dollar stadium to get some shit to go down. You know Jerry Jones is the factor behind these secret NFL talks. That motherfucker didn't built that thing to not play some goddamn football. Good thing Robert Kraft, owner of my beloved Patriots also jumped in on the deal, because he knows his star is looking at the end of the line in the next 2-5 years. Speaking of which, has anyone seen the Year of the QB on Tom Brady called the Brady 6 (in reference to the 6 QBs taken before him)? That guy still breaks down crying thinking about how he was waiting at home to get drafted with his family. He still is affected by the fact he was the 199th pick. Kinda why he has a love/hate relationship with Manning a 1st round/overall 1 pick.
Fantastic. Does anyone have a TL;DR of this entire situation? I'm aware there's a lockout/possibility thereof, and that talks are ongoing, but I don't really know anything about the issues involved. Until recently I didn't care, but I do want to know about the context of the remarks.
ESPN had an article dissecting his idiocy. This was my favorite line- "He (Harrison) did not apologize for getting dominated most of the game by Packers tackle Chad Clifton".
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME MOTHERFUCKING FOOTBALL? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... tball-back</a> And this blog post has my feelings exactly. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ut-is-over</a> Me: "THE MOTHERFUCKING LOCKOUT IS OVER! ARE YOU READY FOR SOME MOTHERFUCKING FOOTBALL!? THIS IS GREAT!" Girl: "I don't get it. I like football, but..." Me: "It's like you had your period for 4 and 1/2 months, with bloating and cramps. Now its over." Girl: "WOOO HOOO! That's fucking awesome! Thanks for an analogy so I could understand."