79 degrees here today. At 1:30 they sent my department home with full pay since only 5 of us were in today. Nice, since I was doing fuck all anyways.
She looks like she has a lot of makeup on in both photos and her hair and eyebrows are different. Plus she almost looks like she's glaring at the photographer like they just quietly farted and she knows instead of smiling.
Poor Uma. She used to be beautiful. Now she just looks like a muppet. Seeing "50 Shades" tonight. Should be dumb.
So we're finally going to get a puppy come spring thaw, I want a Basset Hound, wife wants a Boston Terrier. Which one would you guys choose?
She's not wearing mascara. That's the huge difference. Pretty much how I look if I don't wear it. Well, except for the whole looking like Uma part. And while it seems minor, put on some eyeliner and give her some lashes and I think it will completely change her look to something we're used to. You know that song "Take Me to Church"? I hate it. My daughter is currently blasting it from the bathroom while she showers. I swear if this becomes an earworm for me, I'm kicking her. No one wished me a Happy Friday the 13th. What's the world coming to?
Basset Hound. No matter how crappy your day was, when you come home the dog'll look like it's day was worse.
The happiest dog from the local shelter. Not being elitist, just have had a lot of sweet rescue mutts.
I think with the second dog (when we have a bigger house) we'll rescue/adopt, but we want our daughter's first dog to give her the whole raised-as-a-puppy experience. I want her first dog to know HER first and foremost instead of its shitty previous life. We will rescue one eventually, just not now.
Just made the mistake of going to Walmart. Holy fuck I have never seen so many grown men wearing fanny packs. Each one of them looked like a pedophile. Not just because they were wearing fanny packs and sweaters and acid wash jeans, but because they each looked like they have molested a family pet. Scummy mustaches, each one of them. No shitting. I can't imagine who they're buying Valentine's items for. Macauly Culkin? "Dear Macauly, enclosed is a picture of me photoshopped into a frame of My Girl with you. Hugs and kisses, Stanley. P.S. I wrote you some James Joyce erotica. Wink wink." Dude, if you get her a purebred she won't remember it because it will have died from some horrible mutation by the time she's 7. "Honey, don't you remember Ole Spike?" "Is that the one that couldn't walk then shit itself inside out on the rug until it died in screaming death throes?" "Yes." "I will cherish these memories, father. Meet my new boyfriend, Stab-Kill."
This made me laugh. The dad's reaction at the end and the kid's look of confusion for something that was supposed to be fun.
This week was a pile on of numerous shitty things and so I did the only thing I could do. Cooked burgers and fries and watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure with my daughter and some rum and coke. I am so happy right now.