Ive volunteered at a really good no-kill shelter in Chicago for the last year, and the number of puppies that come through are staggering. Pregnant dogs get expedited through the intake process, so there is a decent chance you can get a great rescue puppy that was born at shelter. I used to go to their intake facility to bottle feed kittens (which is the best), and every time I went, there was at least one litter of puppies they were weaning. Also, if you think about it, people are more likely to call a shelter if they see stray puppies than if they see other random strays.
If there was some way to give Down Syndrome to a telephone pole, it would probably look like this: ...that's your next Star Wars villain, kids. If you ask me he could be Lando's giggling co-pilot from Jedi without the need for make-up.
Years ago, what passed as the shelter in my hometown used to put the dogs outside in kennels with a 6' chain link fence, One night one of my buddies decided he really needed a dog, so we naturally went to where we knew where we could get a dog. Free. We stalked around the outside of the fence until one dog caught his eye. An Australian Shepard puppy that seemed really happy to see us. I quickly scaled the fence, grabbed the pup and passed him over to my buddy. (I'm 6'7" and my buddy 6'5", so a 6' fence was nothing.) "Herbie" was thrilled to be liberated from the confines of his chain link prison. In retrospect, my friend would've been more then happy to pay the $25 or so adoption fee, but we were young, stupid, and drunk. And it does make for a fun story, breaking Herbie out of doggie prison and all. Herbie lived a long, happy life diving off cliffs and doing all sorts of crazy shit with us. I like to think he knew we gave him a chance before the shelter put him to sleep.
Well now, we're in my wheelhouse. I walk many, many dogs in a given week, both purebreds and rescues. My dog is a rescue. She is crazier than Lindsay Lohan on a coke binge at a car dealership. Pros to rescues: Usually mutts, less health problems. Usually sweet. Usually pretty smart. Pros to purebreds: Unafraid - and let me tell you, this is no small thing. Almost all of the rescues I walk are afraid of something and requires a work around. Friendly (unless cocker spaniel or dalmations - tend to be very snippy) Like a new car, any issues are usually your doing. I'm a fan of rescuing pets, but that being said, once a dog is bred in a puppy mill, it's a life in being and needs a home too. I wish there weren't puppy mills, but I'm currently taking a sabbatical from being King of the World.
No, my mother and I just have a tradition of seeing the most inappropriate movies together. We took my 78 year-old great aunt to see Magic Mike. We watched Monty Python's The Meaning of Life when I was about 8. She took my sister and I to see Girl Interrupted when I was 12 and she was 10. I took her to see the Grindhouse movies for my birthday the one year. We saw Waiting... together, which doesn't seem that weird but a large part of that movie involves guys showing their penises to each other. This is just our thing.
That movie was boring. Halfway through it I thought, "Why did I buy this GroupOn? I feel like I'm wasting 2 hours of my life and contributing to the success of untalented, boring trash." The guy was pretty hot, though.
So I have just seen the most egregious facebook "like" padding. In September of 2014 we got a new TV channel here in Sweden, the Fox network. Currently the Fox Sweden Facebook page has 18 million likes. There are only 9.5 million people people in Sweden.
For Valentines Day we are going to Lowes, where my wife is gonna look at counter tops and backsplashes for her (make no mistake, this is her) kitchen reno. I'm gonna pick out a grill with a smoking box. Fair trade, right?
Don't worry, Gravy. Since you're lonely, a lovely TiBette will post something to the new and improved registered members only section in the permanent threads today, just for you! I am sensing a bikini thread post.
I have to ask... just what were you hoping to get out of that movie? Did you honestly think it was going to have any hints of being watchable? If not, why the hell did you go throw your money and time at it?
Honestly, I always figured it was going to be a porno with a little more emphasis on story than the sex. Hence, ruining both aspects.
I mean you did get to see that brunette pixy nekkid didn't you? Something with at least some titties in it can't be all bad by definition right? I can expect to see the sex scenes with the rest of the movie edited out on Mr Skin here in the future?