Hartman was great. Unfrozen was a favourite of mine, also whenever he did Sinatra. He was perfect at playing the smirking sleaze. He had the ideal voice and grin to go with it. Funny, since everyone who talks about him say he was the nicest, sweetest guy and his bitch wannabe wife killed him in his sleep. So awful.
My favourite moment was when they were trying to prevent Stephen Root from leaving and selling the station. Joe Rogan says "Don't worry, he won't get far without THIS..." And holds up a huge, broken circuit board. "I don't know what it is, but I ripped it out of the elevator and it looked important!"
Well damn, I had no idea that's how Phil Hartman died until just now. I remember learning that he died from The Simpsons episode that was dedicated to him and being bummed because I loved his characters. But I guess I never asked how and, since I was 9 at the time, my dad decided not to respond with "Yes, sweety, his wife shot him in the head in his sleep and then killed herself." Never thought to look it up since either I guess. And now I'm sad. Thanks guys.
Yeah, and there was a whole bunch of drama around Andy Dick supposedly providing the blow to her, and then ongoing drama between Dick and Jon Lovitz for apparently disrespecting Phil in the role, etc.
FUCK YOU NATURE!!!! Fuckity fucker fucking FUCK!!!! I feel like that boat captain in the movie Perfect Storm head first into the wave that topsizes the boat. Fuck YOUUUUUUUU!!!!! I already out-ran four of your tornadoes last weekend. What is this bullshit now? I'm going down with thy ship!!!
I hope so. I was thinking to myself, "Holy cow! I remember when that happened and feeling sad. I think I was in middle school. In '88? I'm old." Turns out that I'm not. Old. Yet. This whole cat having diabeetus thing is kind of a bummer. 1. He's my buddy, and I want him to be healthy. I've been through so many life changes/events with this damn cat. Sometimes I felt like he was my only friend. 2. It's kind of like going from owning a cat to owning a dog, with none of the dog benefits. This lil dude just became high maintenance. Doh.
Hey, that sounds like fun! Can we do that when I'm out there in a few weeks? Except we'll be smart enough to wear our invisible suits so we don't get busted.
Mother nature I will fuck you up!!! Ok, I admit you have probable cause to kill us because "they're Texans" but mother fucker wanna try a second round! Bitch I will KILL you!!! Bitch I live on a HILL!! Motherfucker I have guns, and boats and shit!
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. Such a simple concept pulled off with ease. No wonder the kids on SNL today can't... Ehh fuck it get off my lawn.
Well I guess you know that shit is about to hit the fan when your backup plan is "honey I'm gonna grap the well pump, then you just hang onto me and I'll hang onto the kid"
Zip ties. Lots and lots of Zip ties. And duct tape. Or you can just play La Grange as loud as you can and it will scare the tornado away.
Good thinking Nett Daddy. If I was to hit a bump on my mower, the potential resulting pickled beet carnage would totally give me away.