The King of the Blues has returned home to Indianola, Mississippi. Expectations are saying an influx of 10,000 people for the funeral which will double the population here. This weekend is almost guranteed to be a shit show in my tiny ass town if not the entire delta.
Wow, I just started taking care of a cat that I have to shoot with insulin. He takes it really well, deceptively easy. But I have starting writing a song (chords are E and A) 'Diabeetus Kitty, ate too much candy' Diabeetus Kitty, those needles sure came in handy Diabeetus Kitty, doesn't move around Diabeetus Kitty, scoring insulin all over town.' That's all I have at the moment. I'll keep you updated.
Before one incoming tornado in Mississippi, I actually chained my tractors to the porch. It totally worked. Or it might be the fact that the tornado jumped over the house and ate my flea market instead.
Oh dear God....check this dude out: