It depends. The law is for "snow emergencies" but it's way more prevalent than that in practice in the more old-school neighborhoods.
Anyone flying to Asian or in Asia anytime soon? Because I'm seriously scared now. Thank god there were survivors but 31 dead. Holy hell. LOL. I'm not moving to some shitty non-Chicago location because 10/365 days I have to put out chairs and threaten people with physical assault. You guys know there are certain jobs that people can't get anywhere else right? Just saying, not easy.
How can you say that it's that easy to move? What if you have a family, job, kids in're just going to pick up and move your whole life because of 4 months of weather you don't like? That doesn't sound easy or practical. Just because someone complains about something in the moment, doesn't mean it's as easy as "then just move".
Well hold on there, what are you talking about? Your boss is mean to you one day? Don't complain about it. Just get a new job! Your car breaks down, don't complain about it, get a new car! Don't like the paint in your house? Don't complain about it, GET A NEW HOUSE! IT IS REALLY THAT EASY!
No more retarded than thinking you own a piece of a public street just because you were forced to shovel out your own car.
I am not saying it is easy, or even practical, but if you really don't like something there are always options to change it. You know how many doctors we go through in this town? And not just them lots of other professions. They move up here because of a job, realize the weather sucks then move, and most of them have families.
I actually agree with this. We moved a lot as a kid, and I've moved for work as an adult. It's cumbersome, expensive and at times daunting. However, the whole "Geez, I can't find a job anywhere!" problem has never applied. I find too few people consider moving somewhere else as an option when times or conditions are unpleasant. The small town I'm from has been through recessions and some of my cousins were unemployed. Yet they never considered just moving elsewhere.
The people who are able and willing to do something to improve their situation actually do something, even if it takes a while, or requires a lot of work and sacrifice. The other people complain about not being able to for one reason or another and deal with things like "dibs chairs." In America (and Canada) today for the most part, you live the life you choose. If your choice is a job that is only in Chicago, then you have chosen to live in Chicago. If you would like to live somewhere else, then choose another job and make it happen. It really is that simple in the end. I've picked up my family of five more than once for a better opportunity and a better life. It's 50 degrees today where I live, because I choose to live in the South, and I'll be damned if I ever move back to where it snows regularly.
OK, but we're talking about being mildly inconvenienced by lawn chairs, not being hit by plague and famine.
Heh, but most of the mild inconveniences I deal with don't mean I might get shot, get my car keyed, or get my legs broken. Or, make me want to shoot, key or break. Well, this one time, a lady didn't pull forward at the gas pump, and I wanted break her legs.
Good parenting or not (or even real to begin with or not), this is fucking hilarious. "So you wanna act grown... well now you can look grown too"
So....don't bitch about work. I just got a jury duty summons for my day off after my 10-day stretch. How do you get out of it again? If you get called sound really ignorant and biased?
Without knowing about the case it's hard to tell. Sometimes one of the parties would like to stack the jury with ignorant and biased. Your best bet is to seem unpredictable. Wear a confederate flag t-shirt, a pair of air force ones, and a turban.
Also, no matter what they ask, you can answer honestly. But, say "what?" or "Sorry?" or "Beg pardon?" every time.
So I had a job interview today. When I got there at 11am, four people were in the entire office, and there was enough alcohol sitting out to shame a fraternity. I hope I get a callback.
No one is biting on this, but that video is fucking astounding. I still can't believe that the cab driver survived. Or that the plane didn't hit any of those buildings.