I was shocked when I heard he was turning himself into a woman. I thought he was trying to turn himself into the puppet from the "Saw" movies.
I used to have an office in Brentwood, an upscale West L.A. neighborhood. Anyway, there was this middle-aged black guy who would approach cars stopped for a light and offer the driver a poem for $5.00. He'd recite the poem and hand you a handwritten copy. One day I asked him if he sold the same poem over and over. "Oh no, each one is original. I write them at night and I try to match the poem to the driver. Say, if someone looks like they are having a bad day, I give them a cheerful poem." Quite a character.
Apparently, Sports Illustrated has used a plus-size model for the first time ever: I can't believe one has never been in the magazine before. She says she's a size 12...for the classification "plus size," I think she's actually "normal size" and also "smoking fucking hot."
Agreed, she is hot as hell. Wasn't Upton the "biggest" girl they had before her? Also, do people actually still buy this thing in the digital age?
EDIT: Yeah, those are two different chicks. First one is Ashley Graham, who is not normal size. I'll go ahead and say she's "thick". She's past curvy, but not yet at fat. Thick is in between the two. But for the love of fucking god that is not "normal size." Yeah, those are two different chicks. The second one is the Robin Lawley, she's the size 12. She just looks like Brunette Kate Upton 2.0, except she's 6'2". Much smaller than the Ashley Graham. Robin is actually going to be IN the Swimsuit set, Ashley is just going to be in an ad for it.
They're two different women. The one on top is Ashley Graham, featured in an ad ("First plus size model in an ad in the Swimsuit Edition!"), and the second is Robin Lawley- one of the SI models. Both are very good looking in my book. Apparently the average American woman is a size 14, so aside from being gorgeous I'd say they're normal.
I caught that when I did some googling. My Facebook feed is what threw me off, read about Ashley this morning, then Robin Lawley popped up. Average and normal are two different things. That's factoring in the landbeasts that are 1000 lbs large. There is a huge difference. I'm talking about what is considered normal vs what the actual average is. Given 20 women, the normal weight is can easily be 130-140 for 18 of them, but when you toss in two 500 pounders, it is going to shift the average, but that doesn't change what's normal.
I would gladly take either one over an Olivia Wilde. I like a girl with something to her, totally hot.
Also, we need to put an age range on this "average" thing, because we're talking swimsuit models here, 18-35. What's that average weight? Because if we're doing all age average, people either shrink or balloon the fuck up after say 55, so factoring that in is silly. Goddamn faulty statistics. This is just a general life complaint when it comes to using data. I'd bet cash money the average weight/dress size are lower.
You sound like me trying to explain stats to my boss. Either way it's okay, because ultimately they're both attractive bikini models... so everyone wins.
I might have explained this horribly, but I know what I'm saying makes some sense. I'm just going to stop and say, I bet if we took the average weight/dress size of women in the age range of typical swimsuit models, I'd bet heavily it would be lower than the global average of size 12 and whatever pounds.
I sort of get what Parker is saying. Most people don't consider the entire sample set when assessing "normal". For example, a girl might not be considered ugly, or hot, just "normal", when in reality, put her in the general population including the People of Walmart and Honey Boo Boo's family, who you don't interact with on a daily basis or contribute to your assessment of "normal", and she's a fucking fox. Also, as far Robin Lawley being a size 12, she's also 6'2, not normal. A girl who is "average" female height of 5'4-5'5 and is a size 12 will be quite different than 6'2 Robin's size twelve. I wouldn't argue ol' Robin is anywhere near average or normal.
Thank you Jwags and Nett, exactly. I forgot my snacks today, so my hunger is making me antsy and can't put thoughts together. Robyn could get it. 6'2" I ain't afraid of heights. Spoiler Spoiler I think she's lost some weight since 23 though. Spoiler
I get what you are saying, but no shit, the average for swimsuit models is going to be lower then the national average. Which is why people compare it to the national average.
Read what I typed slowly, I'm sure you didn't get what I was saying. I'm saying for this to be a big deal, we'd need to know the average of 18-35 year old women and compare her to that. Comparing her to to women 18-99 isn't correct statistically because you have weighted data throwing the whole thing off. It doesn't make sense to discuss it in that context. Compare 18-35 year olds to other 18-35 year olds. Ashley, is NOT the average of 18-35 year olds and she's definitely not normal for an 18-35 year old. Neither is Robyn. But if we factored in the later ages where some people plump up, the numbers shift where they do become average. Does that make sense? So it's weird for people to be like "Yay, Sports Illustrated picked a woman that has a body type that represents all women 18+" when it would be interesting if they picked a woman who represented her age range. Well that's just how I think about it.