Dude, Tampa Bay won the SuperBowl a decade ago. Ever been? Don't. The sun even shines on a frog's ass sometimes. Funny: that yearTampa beat Oakland for the SuperBowl. It was like Clash Of The Lowlife Cities.
Well... They TRIED that in Tampa, but as soon as they got outside they realized someone else beat them to it a long time ago. "Have you been to Tampa Bay? It's basically the shittiest place on the face of this earth." - David Cross
I don't get it. That's a cremation ad? So... what? Kill her and preserve the loving memory of your chaste angel before she grows up? I'm a bit drunk and probably missing something obvious.
It says to me "Your daughter is growing up, and will soon be killed in some way. That's what happens to teenage girls." The entirety of that ad fills my head with fuck.
Zamboni driver gets DUI Cops were called because spectators noticed him driving "erratically." Uhm... how bad do you have to drive a Zamboni in order to have people not paying attention to you, pay enough attention to you to call the cops?
Seems as though Suge Knight trumped Billy Joel as the worst celebrity to put behind the wheel. When he's not using Tupac as Kevlar he's simply running people right the fuck over.
Well, I'm in Toronto for the weekend and while I'm in civilization, I'm trying this Tinder thing for the first time. Wish me luck, I guess.
Whatever could go wrong? Speaking of Angel... she hasn't been around in a while... wonder if she's calved yet?
I'm sure she's enjoying the bliss that comes along with being a mature mother My brother had his girls a year ago and has yet to have a normal sleep routine since. I'm sure kids are great, and being a youth hockey coach I wouldn't do it if I really hated them, but until their old enough to crap by themselves they are challenging I'll assume. Great thing about being a coach, if they piss me off they skate and I seem them for at most 2 hours a day 3 times a week.
Got my Patriots shirt on. Got my Patriots watch on. I'm ready. I'm turnt up and the game doesn't even start for 6 more hours!