Personal life I guess because the general social media attitude right now is "I believe her until proven otherwise". They dated, so I guess personal life.
I wonder when it actually happened. Because unfortunately, her career choice will be used against her when people begin to take sides.
I have no idea if it happened. I'm not saying I don't believe her, I'm neutral. What I don't like is the use of social media. If this guy did what she says he did, then she should file a police report. I get the whole thing about women not wanting to report it, but if she's willing to go on social media and make the allegation, then she should go to the police. If this guy is what she says he is, then he needs to go away for a long time.
I completely agree with you. I wonder what else may have transpired for her to take this course of action. Maybe in this case it's not a totally provable crime and she knows it, so this is what she did. On another note, Tim Tebow got dumped by Miss Universe because he wouldn't fuck her, according to her.
And from what I've read she taken herself completely off the gird (no emails, texts etc) until December 17th. So she basically accused someone of an extremely serious crime and then figuratively disappeared immediately afterwards. I have no idea what actually happened but the combination of that and what VI touched upon has me a little confused.
Let's not be hasty. She only had 13% battery. Maybe her phone died and she forgot her charger at home.
No, I only had 13% battery. That's a screen shot. I'm a lowlife who lets his battery run down so what? I got KIDS homey.
If it happened in private it's probably unprovable at this point in a court of law. However, if he's done this more than once and she puts it out on social media, then the possibility of other victims stepping forward exists and that might lead to actual provable charges in a different case. Also, given the shitty way people tend to react to something like this, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that she'd go on a communications blackout. She's probably already getting death threats, people telling her she's lying, and people telling her she deserved it. And in terms of publicity, she didn't need it and she's accusing a high profile guy, so there's really no upside for her here.
You have to check your grammar pride for Twitter. You can always tell when a teenager is posting that izz FoSho SWAAAAAG
Yeah I can't wait for all the social media kangaroo courts. No wonder she went dark on this. Move to serious thread? Forecast dark and cloudy.
Domestic rape cases don't get tried. It is very hard to argue even in 2015 sex, consensual or not, isn't some kind of wifely duty. On a less serious note, if Stoya was any paler she'd look like Kevin Bacon in Hollow Man.
Yeah, I haven't had my coffee yet so I forgot the whole internet lynch mob thing. On a lighter note, I'm currently on a Captain Planet marathon with my daughter. Captain Pollution is underrated.
Well that was a weird Thanksigiving. Some highlights: 1) Wife's uncle thinks the earth is flat. I was initially pretty sure he was trolling everyone since he seemed reasonably intelligent during previous encounters, but he was getting angry when I laughed at him about it. He was going on and on about how there's an ice wall at the end and that the definition of length changes depending on where you travel and that was impossible that I went to New Zealand for my honeymoon and that it took 18 hours to get there. I didn't think a human being could believe such a thing. I asked him what was under or beyond the planet, he said it's just floating through space "like a dinner plate." He also thinks the moon landing was faked. I really didn't press him any more for his thoughts. 2) Wife's cousin was shamelessly hitting on one of the hotel maids. She was pushing 60 and barely spoke English. He was stone cold sober. 3) Her other cousin said, "Bud heavy is the best beer ever brewed. Microbrews are for pussies like you."
Plus the fact she said he ignored her safeword implies they were engaging in some kink, so yeah, no way that would ever get anywhere in the legal system. How on earth did you con your daughter in to watching a 25 year old cartoon?
I bought the DVD on the hunch that she'd like it, now she can't get enough of it. Brings back memories.
Fucking around. Now that we're both sober, I think I may have overreacted a bit. But last night I was fucking pissed.
Apologies if we're past the "move it to the serious thread" point but a few comments: Apparently they ceased dating approximately a year ago. It's a kind of awkwardly phrased sentence. It's supposed to be read as "see the guy who raped her idolized as a feminist" The thing is, she probably knows what the odds are. How would she go about proving this? It's her word against his, she regularly engages in rough sex and sex with this man in particular so physical evidence would be essentially non-existent. There's almost no way that would result in a conviction. Her options were basically say nothing, or say something. The latter seems like a pretty defensible course of action. And the implication that she's morally required to stay on twitter and deal with the ensuing shit show seems weird.