I have seen a lot of different ways people use it. Some people use it in regular bongs. Some people have fancy as hell oil heaters.
That's "honey oil" around here. Blast butane through a pile of shake jammed into a water bottle with holes poked in it. People just used to smoke it with like a hash joint but if weed fucks you up, that stuff will bury you. I rarely touch it, never cared for that zoned-out couchstain stuff.
I present Crown's youtube channel on the subject of today's celebration: Dabs Knife hits.... Try not watching 50 videos.
Albeit very funny to watch and thanks for that, these are the clowns I can't stand. He has the bong/pipe shelf behind him the same way lawyers put a big stack of leather-bound books behind them in their commercials. WHY do you need that fucking gear? For fifteen years I've had one bong, it's a foot tall clear glass and kept hidden. You know what? Fuck it. Let's honestly advertise ALL our vices. Coke users can wear t-shirts with a graphic on it of a bar toilet tank lid with Hollywood-sized lines of laxative-laced blow cut on top of it. Aside from wearing beer t-shirts and hats we got free in the case to mow the lawn or work on your car in, what other reason is there to publicly advertise your vice? I dunno, I just hate the hole pseudo-hippie crap. Jam Bands suck and Wavy Gravy will be dead of old age soon.
Yeah, you'd think that, but you'd be wrong. Both cocaine and meth are Schedule II drugs. That's how fucked up our drug system is.
Cocaine has been used therapeutically. Freud thought it was a wonder drug. In my mind, the difference between Schedule I and II is a political construct. The whole thing was built in the Nixon era and while I think the intent makes sense, some drugs should be controlled more than others, the practice and premises for each class leave a lot to be desired. I know because my ADHD meds are schedule II, I can't get my Rx filled out of state. So lets say I forget my script and I'm on vacation when it runs out, I can't call it in and get it filled where I am, basically I'm screwed until I get back. Weed being schedule I is a simple political reaction to hippies and their drug of choice.
Yup, it just screams look at me. I am sure that was the same guy that did another 8 in 1 dab, think he called it the monster dab or something, you can literally watch him fade in the couple minute video.
Driving home yesterday I saw a guy flying two enormous pot flags from the back of his shitty low rider pick up. What a brilliant way to advertise that you may be at this very moment driving impaired, in possession of illegal drugs, or, at the very least, a search of your vehicle will find something you shouldn't have. Good luck with your illegal search and seizure lawsuit...probable cause was the two 2x3 flags you were flying on the back of your truck like a moron.