I dunno, I was there for a year, pretty much by myself, and I feel like I came away with a different sense of what China was all about. The whole eastern culture are can be difficult to wrap your head around, but everyone was super friendly, and it was cool to live in an actual "City" for the 1st time.
I was only there for 5 days, but I rather enjoyed Shanghai. It's crowded, dirty, polluted, and I loved every bit of it. It was the first I ever experienced a culture shock and I've been a good amount of places. I don't get eastern/Chinese culture at all, but it was quite interesting. And if I didn't know they were communist, I never would have guessed it. I haven't seen that kind of hyper capitalism outside of New York or London before. Stuck in Hong Kong at the moment, but off to Vietnam soon. Forest Gump quotes imminent.
I'm disappointed in you fuckers. I expected more on this twitter business than a shit-eating elephant and some dumpy bridesmaids.
Technically it's in Facebook but I don't feel compelled to ask you all to open up your personal Facebook accounts for my pleasure. Twitter is more anonymous and ultimately more useful in this capacity. Themes: *Bums *Trash *Animal sex *Baked goods *Geriatric sex toys *White trash wedding *Whatever you see fit. I trust you people. Somewhat.
China is the horseshoe theory in action. They were very communist at one point, but really seem to be a fascist state with communist window dressing at this point.
Sly Stallone: 70 years old. The year of 2016 was recently quoted as being pissed off that it hasn't killed him yet.
Shanghai is sweet. Super low cost of living in a major world city and the endless admiration from the female population never got old. Cheap travel. Amazing food. I know some lifers that will teach English forever as long as they get to travel.
He's the same age Estelle Getty was when they did Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot. I guess it's time for a reboot - Stop Or My Dad Will Shoot. Starring Stallone and Tina Fey.
My mother-in-law got me a homemade ice cream maker recently. You know who makes amazing ice cream? I don't know if I do yet cause my ingredients have to cool in the fridge til I churn them tomorrow, but pretty much any fucker that puts it in paper quart tubs and delivers it to my local grocery store probably has me beat. I've decided making homemade ice cream is not fun. It's not a good use of my time. I feel like an idiot buying 6-7 ingredients from the store for $12 when the finished product runs about $6? And I'm already dreading the hour or so of work that still has to be done tomorrow before we get god damn ice cream. Oh, it will be loud as shit. The woman doesn't get me.
I learned this trick from my neighbour... keep a thick slab of marble in the freezer, then just mix together some heavy cream and sugar, pour it out on the slab, work it with a couple of putty knives, mix in fresh fruit or chocolate chips or what have you, and within minutes you have ice cream. I bought a slab from the local counter top place for $15... it was a piece of scrap that they trimmed to the exact size I wanted, and it works very, very well. My sister has one of those electric ice cream makers and it seems like a shit-ton of work and cleanup.
An ice cream maker is basically just a low speed blender with ice wrapped around it. I think you guys may be overthinking it.
I think I may try this when we get back in town. So you just mix it in a bowl and then pour it on there? Does the cream mixture really freeze that fast that you can just lump it up into a ball like that without it pouring off?
Start by pouring it on slowly and figure it out as you go. Don't assume you can just dump it all in at once.... that depends on a lot of stuff. It's kind of like making an omelette. But with cold.
I've never thought using an electric ice cream churn was a lot of work. 1/2 Gallon low fat chocolate milk Small tub of low fat Cool Whip Can of low fat sweetened condensed milk Ice Box of rock salt Mix first three (3!) ingredients together, pour it in the churn can, fill bucket with ice, sprinkle rock salt, plug in churn, open beer and drink, sprinkle occasional rock salt, open another beer. Takes about 30 minutes of doing practically nothing. You can add chopped up Oreos to the mix of you want.