Fuck off. Everyone and their mother knows The Zane is the sexiest bald man alive (tribute to Yul). Best of Biff's henchmen in the BTTF trilogy.
This is how I know I'm never getting married; I watch old Firing Line episodes for fun. Drinking wine watching one now. No wife is putting up with that shit.
Re: Bald. I knew a dude terrified of going bald because, "I will never be a beautiful bald guy like Bruce Willis." My friend can rock bald. He gets more ass now than he ever did. Bald, a beard, he gets pussy thrown at him. Me, I have an eggplant shaped head. My genetics ensure I will have the bald patch on the crown and a slight receding hairline. There's no way in hell I am taking dick killer pills just to have hair. Nor will I ever wear a rug, because I know damn well I'd look like Boris Johnson. Nobody wants to fuck Boris Johnson. I'll just be bald.
Just remember one other thing: no matter how much this adorable little critter loves and depends on you, if you piss it off even once....yikes. It could straight-up kill somebody, they are no joke. I have replaced my daughter Betta twice. She thought she had the same fish for five years. Do it. Replace it. Be a normal parent like me. But I've already done the Death Talk with my daughter so don't trust me. That conversation re-defines the phrase "walking on eggshells".
I would look like Dade the rest of my life if it meant being able to keep going at it. But more definition on the abs and biceps.
I am ten times more paranoid of having teeth knocked out than losing my hair. Guys who go bald with dignity (most of them) have little to worry about. But when you have teeth visibly missing? THAT is something people have a hard time getting past. I knocked someone's tooth out once for smashing a beer bottle over my friend's head. He deserved it, fucking-A he did, but I still felt horrid for days over it. Missing front tooth/teeth? Fuck that. Nobody wants to be a Jack-O-Lantern.
He's not a pet. The plan was to raise him until he could fend for himself and then release him. I just got into an argument with the husband about this whole ordeal and he took the raccoon with him when he left. So I'm not entirely sure of his fate at the moment. In other news I have a six pack of Shiner Ruby Redbird with my name on it and the kids are staying the night with their grandparents. I do believe I'll go sit on the porch swing and read for a while. Talk about a wild and crazy night.
That combination of effects sounds like the pill is suppressing testosterone. Which effects more than just libido. Fuck that noise.
Has anyone ever said yes, I'd like hair and fuck sex, I mean aside form Durbanite. Maybe thats a better question for women. For example, I'm pretty certain which way Hilarly Clinton would vote on this.