What the fuck is wrong with people? My wife is pregnant. We have been slowly telling people in person. This morning there is a post on her Facebook page from a friends mom wishing her a happy Mother's Day. We haven't told everyone yet. Now I'm sure someone will be upset about learning on Facebook. This must be how the gays feel when they get outed before they are ready.
Well it's not so much about your wife and you as much as its about your friends mom publicly wishing her a Happy Mothers Day for her own benefit. It's obnoxious behavior. I haven't spoken to my cousin much in the last 5 years because I found out my grandmother passed away from his "RIP Grandma, we love you" Facebook post. It had just happened and my mom didn't have a chance to call me yet. Which means as soon as his mom told him, he immediately needed to post about it. Fucking douchebag.
When my brother in law shot my niece and sister, my idiot family apparently went nuts on facebook. I wouldn't know because I don't have facebook. Some of the shit they were posting was getting back to my sister's youngest children and upsetting them....kids who had just seen their father shoot their mother and sister and then turn the gun on himself. I heard about the posts when my father's widow called me and informed me I needed to take care of it. So, I ended up calling a bunch of "Family" I've never talked to, met, or had any interaction with and yelling at them. It completely reinforced my belief that social media is horrible.
A lot of people don't have the ability to think about the consequences of their actions. They think impulsively and selfishly. They say things for "likes" and sympathy. A lot of people also love to be the bearers of bad news. It's a weird complex. My uncle is like that. He loves to be the guy to inappropriately call people when someone distantly related dies because it makes him feel important or something. Taking the wind out of someone's pregnancy announcement or family death are grounds for being disowned. It's people like that who make me wish I could use flame throwers on people.
Several years ago one of my cousins posted on his Facebook status, "RIP, Uncle Mike." Our uncle Mike is my father's closest brother and his loss would be both totally unexpected and devastating. Like "fly across the country tonight" bad. Cue me dropping everything to phone my mother, horrified. Turns out he was referring to the elderly Mike one of my aunts is married to that we've all rarely if ever met. I post NOTHING on social media unless I'm 100% certain everyone knows, and I try to make things vague enough to convey my support but not any details.
Me either. My facebook is basically without activity for the last year or so. I just keep it around because sometimes I'm curious about other people, many of which still post all kinds of nonsense despite nearing 30. Anyone ever had a week off and thought "I kinda would prefer to work, because there's nothing particularly interesting to do, no roadtrips to go on and all my friends have to work during the day". No? Me neither....
They're going nuts in Chicago this weekend. From 2:45 Friday afternoon to 5 PM today, 7 people have been murdered and an additional 42 wounded by gun fire. Yikes.
I found out that my asshole idiot brother eloped with a piece of Asian trash via Facebook. It was embarrassing and infuriating. I don't post anything worth importance. If I'm posting "news" it was news to people I care about weeks ago.
From where in South Texas? I think this is as good a time as any to post Asian girls. (There is no pussy visible in any of the following pictures.) Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
If I wasn't 100% that I'm a full (read: no grey areas) heterosexual, opening that second one and having my first thought be, "Jesus CHRIST her underwear must be uncomfortable that far up her ass!" would confirm it.
Christ, I'm scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning and see at least half a dozen women deciding that having a dog makes them a mother so they deserve attention on mother's day, too. Anyone who uses the word "furbaby" can go fuck themselves.
Fortunately I haven't yet had any family members pull off a nice surprise announcement on Facebook. However my sisters will post things then ask me about them later and act shocked if I haven't seen them. No I don't look at everyone's Facebook every day and I have a phone you can call me with too, you know.