Nice clickbait headline. What I'm having a hard time understanding is her message that STIs are inevitable, though I haven't seen her entire TEDx talk yet too.
Good God. What's next? Throwing a slumber party for your crabs? I went to the optometrist, and my vision keeps getting worse and worse. Wah wahhhh I think before too long I'm gonna be sporting coke-bottle lenses. GAH.
TED used to be great. Then, it started inviting anybody with a mouth that works and an audience that doesn't and jumped the shark. It made TEDx and gave a platform to any idiot who thinks they're above infomercial-level talking points (but aren't).
As I've been getting old (Almost 39) I've noticed it's getting harder and harder to see things up close. Anything closer than 8-9" starts to get fuzzy. I'm sure reading glasses aren't too far away. As the only person in my family who doesn't require glasses/contacts, I'm not taking to this too well.
If there's one positive that comes out of her TedTalk I hope its that people become more honest with their partners or potential partners. She has a point, she shouldn't be ashamed of it. Shame brings fear and lack of communication which can lead to some unfortunate things. I really think she should be talking about being honest with partners, not being out there that she has herpes. I think it'd be great if couples were open enough with each other to get tested before engaging in anything. I think the message that needs to be promoted more consistently is that there is no shame in getting tested and there is no shame in communicating concerns about STIs.
There was a TED talk down here a few months ago, and OF COURSE it had some kind of Latino focus, because this is the Valley. One of my friends was really pushing this event on Facebook, but myself and a few other people balked at the $100 buy-in to MAYBE get to attend. Not to speak, mind you, just to maybe attend. (Potential attendees have to put in an application, then they put them up on the wall and have a monkey throw feces at them, and if yours gets hit, you're in. Something like that, anyway.) Well, the guy who organized the event (A professor at one of local colleges) broke into the conversation and just completely lost his shit, and went off on all of us, saying that it was people like us who were holding back progress. Because we didn't want to pay ONE HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS to listen to what would probably amount to a heap of bullshit. Anyway, I saw this picture today: Spoiler Before anyone says anything, I KNOW THAT THE PEARLS AREN'T IN HER PUSSY. Just deal with it. and it immediately reminded me of this song by The Cramps:
I'm lucky, I'm 39 this year and can still read the bottom line on the chart. My wife and daughter aren't so lucky, they're cross-eyed and have to wear thick-lens glasses.
I failed the exam at the DMV. That was embarrassing. Just as long as I don't have cataracts. My pops had surgery on both of his eyes IN HIS 30s like an old man. Every time I have gunk in my eye I think, "Is this it? Am I 33 with cataracts?!?"
My eyes are absolute dogshit. The one silver lining is that my prescription has not gotten worse in the last 3 years, so maybe it is leveling off. Herpes is a bitch. More than half of us have probably been exposed to it, but not everyone develops symptoms. Personally, I doubt I've ever been exposed, but I'm also allergic to penicillin, so I have to be slightly more careful about where I put my tallywhacker than the average joe.
My last eye test I still had 20/10 vision. However....I can't read without putting on reading glasses. I thought my eyes were fine until about 10 years ago and my brother in law handed me something to read. I held it out away from me as I'd gotten used to doing over the years and he laughed at me. I was like "What?" He handed me a pair of reading glasses and voila! I could read at a normal distance again. The difference in my vision happened so gradually I never even noticed it. As far as Herpes. I have no idea how I avoided it. Dear God, did I stick my dick in some questionable places as a young man. My dad had it, but then again, he deserved it.
If I wanted to be an asshole, I would bring up the fact that statistically there are a few TiB members, right now, who have herpes. I was always careful with my four dozen or so one-nighters. My friends not so much, they thought condoms were Hitler. I always feared VD more than knocking up a girl. You can run from unwanted children, but even your undertaker won't get rid of herpes.
20/10 here too. I can see through walls. I can probably read an interstate road sign at half a mile. Can read a newspaper placed at my feet. Still can't find Waldo. Went to a new bar downtown. My town is turning into a heroin fueled cesspool. So to see a cocktail bar pop-up, it was a welcome change from the dives. Tried High West whiskey for the first time. From fucking UTAH, and it was actually pretty goddamn good. Who the fuck let mormons make proper whiskey? Isn't that an issue for them? Maybe we've had them all wrong. The more people I know who have herpes is great. Statistically that means the less likely I will contract it. "1 in 5, NOT IT!"
Having been through Utah more times then I can count, I've seen first hand that their "Agriculture" is rocks. Seriously, it's rocks. And a lake that nothing can live in, but you can float on. Never trust anything that comes out of Utah.
Wow. I mean, holy shit snacks! Tonight's episode of Archer was probably the best writing and delivery of lines of the whole series. Belly laughed quite a bit. Damn, that was funny.
I'll second/third/whatever that judgement. Tonight's episode of Archer was hilarious. Have y'all seen any of the outtakes? Spoiler Spoiler
I always wondered who got off on porn versions of cartoons and I guess I'm not terribly surprised that it's you.