Oh. You're talking about food you ate again. Imagine that. Here's a child playing guitar on a street corner.
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/04/2...-uber-driver-in-viral-video.html?intcmp=hpbt3 Remember that doctor from Miami who was a real shit to the Uber driver? Well, they actually fired her for it. I'm a little surprised by that punishment. I don't think ruining a doctors life is a fair punishment. All the years of med school and residency are trashed now. But I guess it shows that you shouldn't be a wretched cunt on camera if you value your career.
Isn't passover when the Jews crossed the red tide and starved in a desert for 90 years? Listened to Purple Rain for the first time I can remember last night. Good song, didn't anticipate it having basically no lyrics.
It was intended for the scenes in the film from the get-go. The album version never got a lot of play on radio since it's so long. But one of the awesome things about that song, that Prince had the unique ability to do, is it has an emotional vocal climax early on. Most stations fade out as the (awesome) guitar solo starts, but instead of having to build and layer and repeat and THEN vocally get you there, he is screaming that HONEY I KNOW I KNOW early in the song. That's all the lyrics ever needed to be. The number of wet panties those "basically no lyrivs" created is a testament to his gifts. RIP.
Shegirl was distraught. She couldn't add WDT or NSFW to the title. Did you get your cooler yet? http://motherboard.vice.com/read/a-very-uncool-cooler
$100T2 posted this over in the YouTube thread. I thought it was worth a repost here, because it's simply amazeballs, especially if you watch the two "Making of" videos.
Never let it be said I'm not a family man. I did some improv on stage at my daughters acting class this morning, went to lunch with her and the Mrsanthropic, now I'm at my mothers soaking her feet in Epsom salts. Holy mother of fuck I need a drink.
It's awfully bold of you to be snarky when you clog up these threads with posts about baseball cards.
The kid is Malcolm Brickhouse and his band is named Unlocking the Truth. Shit audio, but they played Coachella recently:
1. I'm sick to death of hearing about Prince. Never was a fan and good lord, the networks need to find something else to talk about. 2. I've always found Adam Levine to be more image than substance. Kitschy and in the spotlight with a middle level band. All ^ that being said, this impressed me to the point of surprise: Dude has some chops there.
The DJ at the wedding I went to last night ruined the evening when he played 4 Prince songs in a row, including Purple Rain twice. It was wedding where both sides were very Italian and it completely cleared the dance floor. i like Prince, but I've heard more Prince songs in the last 48 hours than I have in the last 10 years.
My evening snack was thoroughly mediocre. I wanted something salty that wasn't potato chips and decided to follow the instructions on the bag of frozen chicken breasts in the freezer for cooking them without thawing them first. I think I followed the instructions like I was supposed to but they still came out dry. Oh well.
I thought prince was a terrible, overrated faggy piece of shit, and that's all I have to say about that. Found my new place to live this week. It's a townhouse in the heart of downtown Milwaukee. Woot. Now, I have to meet some people here so I actually have something to do on the weekends.
I wonder if I should make another Hail Mary and put Betty White in the 2016 Death Pool. I already had Miley Cyrus in it.