That's why I'm perfectly fine with 20-22 baby ducks (approx.) Having 11 then going down to 6 is vastly different from having 30 and going down to like 15. You don't have to outswim the shark, you just have to be a faster swimmer than the slowest swimmer.
Why not put a fence on top? Maybe if worst comes to worst make it electrified? No more owls, no more hawks,
I do that, at least right now while they're nesting. I've even had to get (with my damn welding gloves) an attacking hawk untangled from the bird netting intended to protect the ducks.... I'm a closet hippie, and I love seeing nature doing its thing and try to encourage that where possible. The coop is three times the size the national parks service recommends for those endangered duck breeds. They'll be just fine for another few weeks. However, those breeds are obviously free range in nature. And nature takes care of itself and thins the herd so to speak. But once your flock gets to only a few, it's time to coop them up and protect them until it grows again and then let nature (and my BBQ pit) take its course again. So I protect it as much as I can, naturally, with geese. I'd rather me harvest a bird than a raptor. It's more a hippie homesteading practice than pets anyway... the ducks take care of the bugs, the geese will take care of the grass and weeds.
We have a pair of cooper's hawks nesting somewhere in my neighborhood again this year, I just saw one yesterday. Fun to watch. Dammit its going to be another couple of weeks until we have those coming up around here. Jealous.
Crazy has come up with a new plan for his war with the next door neighbor. He plans on putting up a sign that reads "Alleged auto repair facility" with an arrow pointing to the neighbors house. "They can't sue me because it says "Alleged" is his defense when I told him he's going to get sued. I agree he can't be sued for the sign alone, but when you compound the sign with the security cameras, yelling matches, and continual calls to the police and code enforcement over trivial bullshit you have a pretty good suit for harassment and the neighbors right to peaceful enjoyment of his property.
Or you could throw a A/C radio in his bath and be done with the entirety of this goofy bullshit. Tell the cops the idiot wasn't safe when listening to music. It's not like you wouldn't be doing the world favour. You're better off living with Michael Keaton's character in "Pacific Heights".
I'm surprised he didn't go for the most offensive thing ever, have a sign pointing to their house that says alleged child rapist. Whats your roommates official mental health diagnosis? Paranoid schizophrenic maybe?
When the fuck did Skittles change from Lime to Green Apple? Seriously, what kind of moron thought that Green Apple was a better Skittle flavor than Lime? This is the first bag of Skittles I've bought in forever and it tastes like regret.
Sweet Tarts pulled the same shit with their lime. The sour apple is much inferior. They might has well changed lemon to banana or some shit if they needed to lose a citrus flavor. Also Skittles 'we are all white racist' bags cracked my shit up. Ad firms are hilariously fucking up the social justice movement of today's youth.
It's almost as if trying to appeal to a group that finds a way to be offended by absolutely everything might be a losing strategy.
You think people would clue in to the obvious, but they rarely say "Go fuck yourself." And you think they would more often. Because people who answer demands from Outrage Culture with unapologetic ferociousness (like that owner of the Whitehorse cafe in Ireland) often get a hero's welcome in this day and age.