That, and I seriously doubt the company didn't have a back up anyway. Parking the car on the train track. Now, that would have been a statement.
Yes, if only there was some other way to get into the monolithic puzzlebox that is a locked car. Like a rock, since it's an insured rental.
Do you realize how much bullshit is involved with a claim that's for a rental rather then your own? Especially if the primary car is company owned. It's a giant pain in the ass. No thanks.
Liar. I heard otherwise watching Jackass. Fine. I have CAA. Who are fast, and who have never once asked for my card or who owns the car in my two-decade history with them. They break in with their handy easy-to-make tools, we get the goods back, and you get another key made. Man, when a chance to discuss insurance comes up you come fangs-out, Shaniqua. Rawr!
I want it to be sixty years from now. So they're cyborgs, and they can just stand there and shoot photon rays from their cool red robot eye upgrades. Punching isn't necessary when you're mounted with high-torque Skilsaw blades.
Nope. It's going to be such a one-sided shitshow that this will be the only time they'll be able to pull it off.
My intuition, nothing more says, there will be a second. The hype has been fun, McGregor has enjoyed the show, and seriously, the money. It won't be as much as the first, but if there is a profit there will be a fight
There won't be a second fight unless Mayweather loses the first one. I guess he could throw the first fight, if it's not too obvious, but he'd only stand to make another $100 million or so.
Only if they both agree to use steroids and have it in some third world country. I'm thinking Rumble in the Jungle. Maybe Fighting in the Frozen. First fight in Antartica!
I was seriously legitimately hoping Trump would literally wreslte Kim Jung Ill to settle this nuclear war shit.
Congrats! Now start hitting it on the head to build up those concussion defenses... I'm betting its going to need all the help it can get on that front.
The good news: a generation of children raised on YouTubers are going to grow up and provide cheap labor that I can take advantage of once they figure out that taking pictures of themselves with their phones is not a skill. The bad news: at some point I will be too old to take care of myself and these people are going to have to do it for me. The internet is currently fellating itself over "h3h3productions" win of a fair use lawsuit. And h3h3productions made a 17 minute video verbally fellating themselves as well. The guy on the channel practically orgasms when he notes that the judge ruled something was a "matter of law." It's a fucking term of art, you uneducated shoestain. The judge was not sucking your nads there. I wouldn't mind so much if a majority of the rational human beings left on the planet would come out and say "oh, those people? Yeah, they're insufferable egomaniacs with no talent that are famous because people are stupid." But the internet is actually rallying around these no-talent assclowns. I want to move to fucking Mars. Not all YouTubers are complete wastes of biomass. My new favorite is the 8-bit guy because he makes watchable, informative content and doesn't make hundreds of hours of content of him trying to suck his own yang about how proudly uneducated he is. But for every one of him there are 200 even-more-famous NTACs like the two h3h3 schmucks. Fuck.