All you need is to put a pillow over his face, then a double-tap in said face with a silencer. Either end this, or force him to become a member of this board.
ToyToy does remind me of a Jack Reacher like character. (I listen to a lot of audio books when I work in my shop and listen to a lot of Jack Reacher books... quite entertaining and totally not Tom Cruise-ish)
Nasty fucking movie. Rarely will you see a movie with "good guys" as sleazy as that film. I have a hard time turning down WilliamPeterson regardless, and it has the SCARIEST car chase ever indeed. That movie and "Manhunter" make for a great Peterson 80's double bill.
I always wondered if the filmmakers are trolling the author by using Cruise. Isn't Reacher supposed to be some sort of bulletproof 6'6" beast?
Ronin is far from mindless. Robert D clowning Sean Bean and a fat white guy that can handle a Lexus better than anyone on Top Gear. When I say mindless I mean Vin crashing into the meadian, to catch his girl that was sling shotted off a tank, in mid air over a bridge.
It rolls Red Dragon over and cornholes it. Tom Noonan was fucking terrifying in that movie like hardly any actor ever in history. " I am." I'll never forget that scene. But Brian Cox is no Anthony Hopkins when it comes to playing Lector. Still, I think Manhunter is the best Thomas Harris film adaption of all.
It was no masterpiece, but a fun cast its nice to have a modern non-brutal violent action movie once in a while. Fuck off. You all liked Varsity Blues. Tards.
Yeah he is, part of the theme in the books is people don't see Reacher coming, I read that Lee Child got on board with Cruise because he's the opposite of book Reacher and fits the "Don't see him coming" theme. I'm not much of a fan of the movies but the books are all fantastic
Haven't read, watched the movie first and....meh. A couple fights were fun, but it just seemed tepid. Like something Arnie or Stallone would star in it if were 1986. Somewhere between Raw Deal and Night Hawks. Night Hawks. FUCK that movie is the Tits. I am gonna watch the shit out of that right now. Sly and Billy Dee vs. Rutger Hauer? That is a tri-force of 80's awesomeness that you simply cannot resist.
I'm watching Master of None, first season was ok but this second season is pretty boring, may have to switch over to always sunny.
Just ordered the Alien Quadrilogy on Blu Ray. Psyched. Now Ill have to dedicate watching Alien Resurrection to Crown and his shitty taste in film.
I'm watching the 1975 documentary "Grey Gardens." It's about a couple of old women that are related to Jackie O who live in a run down mansion. They show pictures of mom and daughter from the 1920's and they were stunningly gorgeous. Super rich and then somewhere along the line everything went off the rails and they ended up alone in a mansion that's falling down around their ears.
Not trolling Lee Child, but yeah, he's not the Reacher of the books, by a long shot. I think they just went with Cruise because he wanted to do the movie, and that it would really help sell it. I've read a couple of the books, and I have to say that the audio books of them are fucking amazing... they have a guy that reads them that does a fantastic job of it. I have a set of 3M bluetooth ear muffs/sound suppressors, and basically just listen to them for hours. Really helps with the monotony of sanding, etc.
Alien IV sucked. Ron Perlman and Brad Dourif couldn't even save it because it sucked so much. Alien 3? Liked it. They treated it like a bomb at first but its gained a huge cult following over the years. Every on this board agrees the first two are perfect and nothing else, right?
My only gripe with Aliens is that I never liked the extreme close up shots of the Aliens exploding when the Marines shot at them. For having some great action and visuals, this close up technique always looked cheap as fuck.