Yes, this is totally unique to her and not every other single person that posts pictures of themselves on Instragram ever. I feel like the phrase "whoring on instagram" is about as redundant as it can be.
I didn't insinuate that she was the only one doing this. Just that she has been doing this for a while.
So men flexing or showing pictures of themselves at the gym or in the mirror is ok, but women posting pictures of their bodies is insta-whoring and trying to stay relevant? Ok. Yeah that makes perfect sense. I got some quarters I'd love to bounce.
No one said that, there's definitely something homoerotic about guys posting those photos on instagram,...., not that there's anything wrong with that
So now you have something against men with small penises? You're literally Hitler. Literally. Stick a SS patch on your sleeve.
I can't be the only one who wants to bend Jan over the hood of a Corolla and rail her until she screams Volkswagen. But I'm just a hopeless romantic.
Thats gotta be photoshopped. Anyway, look her up, there are more convincing less touched up images out there
I love driving old cars. They're a lesson in what can get fucked up and how much it costs. So much fun.
I haven't had cable in like 2 years. Im so glad I miss any and all commercials. I can deal with not knowing a hot spokegirl if I just have my endless supply of free hardcore internet pornograpghy. It gets me by.