I get it very seldomly, like once every other year, but when it happens it's fucking terrifying. I can't move anything on my body, and can't even breathe. That's the scariest part. I'm not even sure how long it lasts, probably 5 to 15 seconds, but not being able to breathe for that time is horrifying.
I don't know what's funnier: Shaq forcefully DEMANDING that we accept the earth as being flat, or the fact now we have people backing him, piping up with the generic "Well, some flatearthers make some interesting points..." ...no. They have never made an interesting point, ever.
I'm trying to wrap my head around how stupid these two guys are. They wrapped themselves in body armor and walked into a police station holding guns, apparently to make a point about open carry. So... - They're fucking retarded. - They are trying to make a point about allowing open carry in an area of the country where open carry is already permitted? Why? - They're so dumb they uploaded this thinking they would look like champions of freedom instead of the complete morons they are. This is stupid on levels I can barely fathom. These two retards are lucky the cops didn't shoot them. They're too stupid to live.
Im torn. Part of me wants to believe that its Shaq trolling and low key mocking the flat earthers in the NBA right now. Especially with his "when I drive from Florida to California, its all flat to me." But then again, I used to think Kyrie was fairly bright too.
Now, I know the earth isn't flat, and you know it's not flat, and everybody with half a brain knows that. But, I disagree. It would be interesting if the earth were flat. Like, how thick is it, if it's flat? And, how do flatearthers explain how the sun rises and sets? Because if the earth were flat, (and, um, is it also square? or is it round? #pizzaearth) and is spinning like a Frisbee, is it in the same plane with its orbit? Is the north pole in the center of the disc, and you have to flip over to go to the south pole? Or at an edge? What happens when you get to the edge? I guess you're partially right - they aren't interesting points, per se, since it's nonsense, but it is interesting to talk about since it's so nutty.
Because we all know how much multi-multi-millionaires who are 7'2" love driving themselves thousands of miles across the country. Of course, he can't tell you why he can't SEE Florida anymore after driving away from it, he probably assumes that it simply sinks into the earth and hibernates every time he leaves. Like you I WANT to think he's trolling, but I'm also aware about how ACTUALLY stupid he's always been.
In total sincerity the dumbest people I've met that were not quite legally retarded have college degrees. They don't mean what they used to mean.
My wife's uncle is a flat earther. I asked him about at Christmas, much to the chagrin of the entire family because they were frankly sick of it. Apparently, the earth is a circular disk and the perimeter is surrounded by Antarctica. When a person gets over the edge, they fall off into space. I asked him how would explain the fact that you can start seeing the curvature of the earth if you are in a plane that flies high enough. He said thats an optical illusion from the sun. I asked him, "What about astronauts and all the pictures from space and the moon?" He said that they are liars and never went anywhere.
I used to get it semi frequently in college. Caffiene fuelled late night cram sessions always led to it. Never fun being half in delerium and can't move to boot.
Okay, I'm sold now. Now I know why nobody journeyed past the Fist Of The First Men. We also had CGI in the1960's, which explains the perfect footage of in-flight Saturn V rockets disassembling over the visible curvature of the earth.
Bruh, Stanely Kubrick won his only Oscar for filming the moon landing. He was a genuis filmaker that could create that footage pre CGI, duuurrrr.
Moon landing totally fake everyone knows that by now. Aliens, totally real, government just keeps it a secret and effectively hijacks their technology to create computers, stealth, environmental engineering.
See, Crown, I told you it was interesting. How does this stupidity NOT fascinate you? Just the falling off into space part, and how they can't follow that to logical fallacy blows my mind. Like, does he get say, gravity? So, does he think you can peer over that "edge"? And, on the rest of earth it takes enormous force to be able to escape gravity, but there in Antarctica, you can just step away from gravity? Has he ever been to the beach, and watched a shipping freighter disappear from view? Why can't you see for more than 12 miles? Is that also an optical illusion from the sun? He can look up and see the Moon which is much farther away, but why can't he look across the Atlantic and see the coast of Morocco and Portugal?
At least with the flat Earth nonsense not that many people believe it. Something like 40% of Americans think evolution is a myth. Now that is a problem. Have you ever seen a monkey give birth to a human? Hmmmm?
You people are all blinded by willful ignorance. EVERYONE knows the world is actually square-shaped, as The One True God designed it. Likewise, everyone also knows that The Child Born of Prophecy (The Iron Sheik), born of a monkey (prophecy!), was sent to us to combat the evils of higher education, these "gravity-people" and the letter Q. His job done, The Iron Sheik will then fly to the moon(by flapping his arms), take a bite out of the moon(because it's so just cheese) and get drunk on the Sun (because that's flat too), thus bringing in a New Age of Prosperity and Ennui. Jesus people, read a fucking book from time to time...
Various reports also state that the man with the long gun was wearing a ski mask. Where does "lawful open carry" cross the line into "terrorizing?" Like yeah you have the right to freedom of speech, but you don't have the right to yell fire in a crowded theater. Basically, you don't have the right to be fucking stupid. Dress like a terrorist and walk into what a terrorist would clearly consider a "target" (especially in the current environment), and you should expect to get treated like a terrorist, or at the very least an idiot, until they have proven otherwise. If I'm in, say, a hardware store, where I have seen many people open carry, but I see someone with body armor and a ski mask, I'm going to call 911 to report then hide/evade. Sure, it may be completely lawful, but tell that to the cop cars and SWAT team screaming up to the store in about 30 seconds with their guns drawn.