My charity ball was a fucking circus. An overly drunk, gentleman confronted my boss, and said he was going to beat his ass for offending his wife. My boss had no idea who his wife was. My boss's wife bought 10 wiffle balls for the raffle, and was making ball jokes all night long. My boss announced to our County Administrator that his wife always had all the balls. My date decided to drink double Jamesons all night, and thought it was funny to grab my ass every chance he got. Fast forward to the four of us closing down a dive bar in evening wear, where they tried teaching me how to play darts. The wife thought it would be a great idea to use my boss like a stripper pole and stick her tongue down his throat, repeatedly. I have never seen my boss that drunk, ever. He announced that his son should marry me. Fucking circus.
I'm a very smart man. My therapist put me in an SUD group and to show her she can't control me and I do what I want, I decided to drink more than usual last week. ....yeah, maybe I should've gone stone cold sober instead of on a mini bender. Its kind of like a criminal saying that the law can't control them, committing a crime, and ending up in prison. Did I really prove a point or just fuck myself?
Wait...this guy had the balls to grab your ass even though you were his pity date? Wow. You should have pulled him in close on a slow dance...and then Mike Tyson'ed his fucking ear. And not only were you a pity date. You were a pity date on a couple date with his parents. This is a circus. The board needs more details to this story.
First of all, I was smart enough not to slow dance with grabby hands. He got my stiletto in his foot at least six times. Me and him were the youngest people there. He just got out of the military in May, medically discharged after 10 years in.
His text to his buddies today: "Yeah she was super hot, but she couldn't dance for shit, kept stepping on my feet." Anyway, all things considered this didn't turn out too badly. I hope your work life becomes considerably easier after this sacrifice.
Them's fight'n words, or at least that's what I was led to believe by every single motherfucking local I met when I was stationed in Omaha. They be proud of their zoo
I am posting this here as a way to - well, catharsis, I guess. I've been herking, gaggy facing for about 10 minutes. Just know, this is disgusting, if you click on the link, you were warned. There's not a picture in the spoiler, but just the title of the link may make you shout Buick. Spoiler: GROSS. GROSS. GROSS.