But the same amount of people watching.. Why does an unannounced pregnancy have to to be met with congratulations instead of, sorry, the next 30 years are going to suck? Who wants to be a grandma by 45?
My family is worse than my husband's family, or at least they're more polite than mine. His family doesn't drink though and mine does so maybe that makes it a toss up.
As someone who had to argue with a 5 year old for 20 minutes to get her to put her pajamas on because damn it, yes I could help her put them on but she can dress herself and I'll be god damned if she's going to swindle me into it tonight, trust me they fucking know how long they're in for.
Its hard to be around teatottlers, an ancient phrase but dam it works well. I find when I'm around these people what I really need is a beer or two to smooth out my edges and make myself more sociable.
That sounds like every night for us. My 2 year old can get himself dressed. He knows the routine after his bath, and it always turns into a battle of wills. For some reason my son loves throwing fits and trying to make my wife get him dressed. He doesn't argue with me so much. You know what you're in for with kids. And those who say they don't want them or don't understand it just see those bad moments and what it costs and think that's all there is. My son makes my heart melt on a damn near hourly basis. Tonight he held my hand as he took me around the house and kissed all of our dogs goodnight then found our cat and told her he loves her and gave her a kiss. I swell with pride when I'm taking him out and even at 2 he's holding the door for people and saying please and thank you. Every morning I get to wake up to my son calling my name because he wants to cuddle with my wife and I in bed.... some people, they know kids just aren't for them. But people who think that they don't want children just because they'e too much work, I feel sorry for those people. They'll never know what they're missing.
You should have heard the discussions when we were talking about the wedding reception. Cake in the church basement? Fuck you. We got married at 6 and floated three kegs by midnight. We didn't even leave until 3 and there were still people there. Can you believe that if you don't make a big deal about there being alcohol there that it's not a big deal? His family just left after the dinner and first dances and such were over. My best friend just snapped me a picture of her tv with the caption "Indiana Jones (thumbs down.)" I'm currently accepting auditions for a new best friend.
I know far more women who have had abortions than have given birth. I am ABSOLUTELY going to fuck up my reaction to the first pregnancy someone intends to keep.
The best thing ever is when you're buying a pregnancy test. Every. Single. Time. the cashier has to make a comment. I don't understand the need. If I'm buying shampoo nobody says, "Good, I'm glad you're buying volumizing shampoo. Congratulations." I've heard, "Is this good news?!" I've heard, "Congratulations" with an awkward pause afterwards waiting for confirmation. I've probably heard other things but at a certain point I forget the stupid. How hard is it to scan the damn test and put it in the bag without comment. Jesus Christ.
Buying a pregnancy test is nothing to be ashamed about, whether you hope it's positive or negative. I don't hide condoms from the cashier either. I actually abhor self-checkout lanes, I worked as a cashier for way too long to voluntarily do that shit myself for free.
It could be worse. Has a cashier ever asked if they could film you taking the test? That would be worse.
I actually liked it when my wife had me buy her pregnancy tests or ovulation tests. I'd always try to make it awkward for the cashier, shit like throw some condoms in there and say "the rubbers are in case it's positive, make sure it doesn't happen again." I've tossed in some coat hangers with the pregnancy tests. A toilet plunger (we needed one for the house anyway). I've talked in really redneck stupid drawls. My wife hates going to the store with me.