Don’t forget about all the debounair dudes they married who also rake in the cash: The Wheaties box tranny who committed vehicular manslaughter, Cunt The Rapper, American Psycho and NBA Whorehouse Overdose. Plus whoever the younger hookers with Jenner’s name are fucking this week.
So they shut it down because he was going to launch it on public land and they didn't want blood on their hands. Am I just cynical for thinking this dude only decided to do the launch on public land, because he knew the government was going to stop him and thus he'd get the excuse to bail? If you have the land to build it, you have the land to launch it. Just weld a few T-posts end to end, mash those into the ground and slide the rocket down onto them. Blowing yourself up isn't that difficult.
Or the flat earthers can spin this as "proof" that the man is keeping them from finding out the "truth".
I’ve never known about this SNAFU until the other day. Holy snappin’ crap, this is so insanely crazy. Who in the history of anything has had a worse day at work than this? “A simple miscalculation” he says: ....Okay, the guys driving the ship in Halifax harbour. That was way worse.
For most “Let’s wreck some shit” public events, I don’t mind attending. They did a demo out in the east end of town where they let the public view a freight locomotive smacking an Econoline van parked on the tracks that was cool, as was when they blew up the CN building downtown. But why would you want to watch a dead whale get nuked? Blowing up say, a canister vacuum cleaner I get it. The shit is fun. But when it comes to this, like toddamus always said: “I don’t get it.” .
What the fuck are you talking about? Think about how many people had never heard of him before Vegas.
That’s right, bitch. Looks like “the suits” can no longer stop a real American hero of achieving his dream: committing suicide and being wrong at the same time.
Will this be broadcast anywhere? And possibly recorded for the inevitable disaster and “commercial break”?
Hope no one here is planning on flying American Airlines the week of Christmas.
What does he intend to prove that Evil Kneivel did not already prove back in 1974. I think ole Evil used steam pressure also for his attempt at flying across the Snake River.
Evel Kneivel was a badass. And, I had this: I also had the version the next year of the Canyon jump rocket. In that one, the figure came with a cane.
EVERYBODY had that toy. It (temporarily) made him a bazillionaire. And he was a legitimate badass. I mean, no 16-inch travel dirtbikes. He was jumping a 300 pound Harley v-twin that had the suspension of your typical forklift. He probably broke more bones than Jackie Chan four times over. I also love how at his car dealership he would give a discount to any customer who could beat him at arm-wrestling. That’s awesome.
So I'm working late tonight, sipping on a scotch and soda, and some old Mottley Crue pops up in my headphones... Kickstart My Heart. I remember how much I enjoy that song, so after it plays, I go looking for the YouTube video. I wish I hadn't. Mick Mars... dude, love him as a guitar player... vastly underrated, in my opinion... but he looks like Alice Cooper's corpse... And since when did a greasy, meth'd out ewok with a speech impediment become their lead singer? Note to self... stick to the videos from the 80's for 80's songs...
I saw Crüe quite a few times the past decade. It was very hard for Vince Neil not to ruin the show entirely. Once here in London they were completely awesome, one of the best JLC shows ever. Other times they fucking blew because it was Vince coughing and wheezing into a mic. And Mick may be dying, but he’s the highlight of their live show. Soooooooooo talented.