Mark your calendars! Saturday an idiot is going to launch himself in a homemade rocket to prove the Earth is flat.
That hunk of shit is going absolutely nowhere. Did he steal it from Wile E. Coyote? This clueless weirdo is about to play the most stupid game, and win the most stupid prize. 1800 feet, huh? That’s the height of the CN Tower. Everything still looks flat at that height, even if he accomplishes this bullshit his answer would be “TOLD YOU SO! EVERYTHING’S FLAT!” Where exactly do these people think the sun goes at night? It monkey-bars across the stalactites that hang under our “Disc Earth”? This giant frisbee we call home, just hangin’ Ten on a cool chill tasty wave in space..., never sailing over the edge because Antarctica is a giant wall of ice keeping us in. Or something.
Get this: SR-71 (Blackbird) was built in 1964, retired in 1998 and is still the fastest plane ever built. Over 3500 km/hr top speed good friggin grief. You talk about a golden age of supersonic. Those were some serious math minds put to good use back then.
The last "Official" flight of an SR71, it set 4 speed records, the most impressive was flying coast to coast in 67 minutes 54 seconds at an average speed of 2,144.8 miles per hour (3,451.7 km/h).
Everyone REALLY needs to read that article... and then watch this video: “This whole tech thing,” he said in the June interview. “I’m really behind the eight ball.” Noooo shit... to start with, you think the world is flat. The dude is going to seriously fuck himself up... I just hope that the rescue personnel show up and whisper conspiratorially to him, "you're totally right... we all know it's flat...", that, and that someone has a shit-ton of cameras rolling when he's doing it. This was his last launch a couple of years ago:
He DOES own the Guinness record for longest limousine jump. Either the contraption fizzles out, or he dies. You don’t give the keys to crazy. He was in complete dementia when they pulled him out of his Evel Kenivelmobile. So on the next flight.... he’ll be flying even faster while taking careful observations of our LP Record Earth? If he gets the raccoon suit, can he fly off earth and fly over to the castle island level to fight Bowser?
The top youtube comment I saw said it all... "you can't figure out if your camera is running, and you start your rocket with a stick... this is not going to end well."
My best friend and I lived next door to each other in bungalow homes in the east end back in the 1980’s. One day we got the absolutely marvellous idea to jump off the roof of his house using his dad’s patio umbrellas as “parachutes”. After all, it was a one-story house onto a lawn. We jumped at the same time in case one died the other couldn’t pussy out. So we hit the rear lawn at the speed of Murphy’s Law, ricocheted off the angled slope of the lawn and pulverized into the yard fence somehow without breaking one bone. However I looked like I took a parking lot bar beating. We were in pain for a LONG time for how quickly little kids’ bodies knit. Somehow this guy is 1000x dumber than that.
Don't hate. He had top scientists helping with the test: You can tell Bubba is the IT guy, since he was filming and doesn't have sleeves. Also, 50% of the launch specialists are wearing lab coats and 100% of them are Asian, which means his math checks out. I don't see what could go wrong. Seriously, though, he is going to die. I guess this year's Darwin Award winner is already clear.
All in the name of something that goes against the belief of every scientist in the world. Tell me... what is the purpose of wearing lab coats outside in the desert?
Duh, credibility. Flat Earthers get a bad reputation as people who ignore science. Lab coat = science. Tadaaaah!
I like how the $250 donation package includes "being right next to the launch vehicle." Thats a lot of money to pay just to be burned to death by rocket exhaust. But hey, they have one backer.
San Rafael, CA. And yes, those are wild turkeys. Huge fucking wild turkeys. It's always fun to come across those fuckers in the woods when they're perched in trees, it just seems so unnatural something that big sitting on a limb.
Flat Earthers know they’re wrong, because they always use this sort of “test” to try and prove their point. Really, my challenge to them is this - Travel in one direction, east or west, for as long as you can, until you hit the Antarctic ice wall.
Why would you pay a couple thousand dollars for some plane tickets to go around, when you can try and fund a $150,000 rocket launch to go up? Gawd. ETA: Actually. That's a great idea. I have always wanted to fly around the world. I need to start a campaign to fund my trip to prove the earth is flat.
First one I've ever seen that took a serious stab at a marketing effort and funding, though... so... progress?