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The 2nd Annual Christmas & New Years Drunk Thread 2010! NSFW

Discussion in 'Weekly Drunk Threads' started by Blue Dog, Dec 1, 2010.

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  1. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    God damn it. I forgot to buy folic acid supplements for my female cousins. Tonight is my mom's side of the family, featuring a six month (ish) pregnant seventeen year old. I wonder if there will be any MTV cameras.

    With respect to the gentleman who is eschewing females (and hopefully eschewing them to acquire currency), I say this: every person piddling around the earth is in need of getting laid on the regular. The difference is that there's a certain segment of the population that is not just in need of getting laid, but is in need of recognizing and coming to terms with the fact that they need to get laid. Please don't become a member of that second group. It is morbidly depressing to witness fully grown adults speaking of their romantically-preferred gender in the same way that 8 year old girls discuss the ickiness of boys.
  2. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    But... but... they have cooties...

    Planning nothing but Mass Effect 2, all day today. Had fun visiting family yesterday. I'm finding more and more joy in hanging out with my extended fam as I get older. When I was a kid it bored me out of my mind, but nowadays there's a certain peace in it.

    I'm gonna see if I can dig up that bottle of scotch I smuggled in from India.
  3. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Got home right before the storm started, still got delayed about a half hour because of traffic. Grocery store was absolutely fucking mobbed with people stocking up for tonight.

    Hey now, let's not talk shit about Fresca. It is the ultimate mixer for cheap vodka.
  4. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My parents got me a margarita maker for Christmas. They also got one for two of my brothers (my oldest brother had the movers paid for when they moved in November). We went to my brother's house last night and had our game night and made good use of the new margarita maker.

    Consequently, my wife is now exceptionally hung over, as well as kinda sick from something she ate at the in-laws. The only thing she ate that I didn't was the cabbage rolls, so I'm pretty certain of what is wreaking havoc on her system right now.

    We ended up playing Trivial Pursuit, though. I figured it would be easy, as it was a special "best of the 80's, 90's and Pop Culture" edition. My older brother has 5 years on me and graduated high school in 96. My little brother is the only person I know who is a bigger pop culture junkie than me. I honestly thought it'd be a good game between us. Apparently, I overestimated how much useless knowledge I possess, as I ended up kicking their asses. Strangely, I did the best on the 80's questions, which caused no end of frustration for my older brother.

    Off to take care of the wife.
  5. satan rae

    satan rae
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    east coast
    I see that the Malibu rum in on the table and I am having hazy recollections of slamming it back @ 4 this morning in the hopes of passing out. I must have been in an awful state to have thought that was a good idea. We went from family dinner to a friends house to pick her up for a party at someone I didnt/dont knows house and got stupid stoned before going which made the icy walk both treacherous and highly amusing. That party itself was pretty much the worst party ever. I am getting tired of my friends hanging out with people who are years and years younger then us. I know some of them are tying to hold on to their youth and the illusion that there is still a "rave scene" but hanging out with a bunch of hispster kids all mashed on E while listening to dubdtep is not a good route to anything in my books. I seriously stayed at the party for ten minutes before making the dash for the door without making any goodbyes. I rounded up a couple friends from out of town and headed back to my place where we ended up having a really good time.
    taken from the invitation on FB to the bad party, I should have known.
    Just like Jesus would, we have to rave it out on Christmas day.
    So bring your costumes, Arts and Crafts and any other fun presents you got cause its time to wrestle, drink our faces off and RAVE.IT.OUT

    I hope the party tonight will not be a shitty as the one last night.
  6. satan rae

    satan rae
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    east coast
    I see that the Malibu rum in on the table and I am having hazy recollections of slamming it back @ 4 this morning in the hopes of passing out. I must have been in an awful state to have thought that was a good idea. Last night we went from family dinner to a friends house to pick her up for a party at someone I didnt/dont knows house and got stupid stoned before going which made the icy walk both treacherous and highly amusing.

    That party itself was pretty much the worst party ever. I am getting tired of my friends hanging out with people who are years and years younger then us. I know some of them are tying to hold on to their youth and the illusion that there is still a "rave scene" but hanging out with a bunch of hispster kids all mashed on E while listening to dubdtep is not a good route to anything in my books. I seriously stayed at the party for ten minutes before making the dash for the door without making any goodbyes. I rounded up a couple friends from out of town and headed back to my place where we ended up having a really good time.

    Taken from the invitation on FB to the bad party, I should have known better then to go at all.
    Show up anytime after 9:30pm and stay until you cant rave anymore.
    This is the big time guys, we have to make Jesus proud.
    Just like Jesus would, we have to rave it out on Christmas day.
    So bring your costumes, Arts and Crafts and any other fun presents you got cause its time to wrestle, drink our faces off and RAVE.IT.OUT

    I hope the party tonight will not be a shitty as the one last night.
  7. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Anyone have any experience in Squaw Valley? (Lake Tahoe-ish)

    We're going there in about a month; haven't skied in maybe 5-7 years but looking forward to it.
  8. Sherwood

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My first gift from my uncle out in CA was 2 Alesmith Pint glasses. Nice and sturdy. My second gift? 6 bombers of various Alesmith beers, Unavailable in the east coast. This has followed years when I've gotten bottles from Russian River, and Stone before it was nationally distributed.

    After all the holiday crazyness, my lovely girlfriend/roommate and I are making chili in her new slow cooker, drinking Alesmith's Yulesmith holiday ale, watching football, and letting the blizzard outside consume our apartment building. Work tomorrow? Nothanks, methinks I'll be watching TV while responding to e-mails and "working from home"

    I fucking love the holidays. I want to sincerely thank my late father, a good man, for procreating with a shiksa. Merry fucking Christmas!
  9. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I used to leave a bowl of dog food out and my rat terrier ate when she was hungry.

    After two and a half years of being VERY hungry, my now-fatass dog is a certified bovine.

    So I started running with her, a 1.5-2 miles a day, and rewarding myself for doing it with a bottle of some random craftbrew (I pick up a few make-your-own-six-packs at World Market).

    Now, I used to be a cross-country runner, and my out of shape condition is better than most people's in-shape. Accordingly, during the final 100 yard or so sprint back to the house was usually a landslide race in my favor (I run the dog without a leash because we're on a ranch, and the only thing she can chase are deer and rabbits, not cars).

    Well today, the mutt got ahead of me. Then, my old cross-country instincts kicked in and I subconsciously ran from the left side of the road, into her lane on the right, attempting to block her; I realized this only when I about damn ran her head-first into an oak tree.

    She ran around, got back onto the road, and fucking beat me. On one hand, I'm proud that she's in good enough shape to run that fast for that long (keep in mind, this is after about 2 miles); on the other, my competitiveness apparently knows no species bounds, and I got beat in a food race by a FUCKING OVERWEIGHT DOG!!

    I'm still drinking my DFH raison d'etre.
  10. AbsentMindedProf

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I lived around Lake Tahoe for a year, and have been to Squaw a few times. What do you want to know?
  11. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    My grandparents are awesome, after receiving a shitload of gift cards:

    Grandma: You know if I die this year and you shack up with some other broad you can't spend any of this on her
    Grandpa: Why would I wait that long to shack up, I'd be with her right now if her phone wasn't busy
    Grandma: Oh don't fool yourself, all women's phones are busy when you try to call

    Everyone in the room was laughing out loud for a good minute or two, I wish they weren't headed to Florida next week, I definitely wanted to spend more time with them this year.
  12. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    What conditions I should pack for around this time of year (I've read all the ski reports, but I don't have anything to compare to so they don't do much for me).

    Is there anything specific we should see?

    Any parts of the mountain to make sure to hit/avoid (we're all decent skiers, but we are going for fun, not the workout)?

    Any reviews on the snow tubing? Snowmobiling? How is/is it legal the sledding around the resort at night?

    We're staying at the PlumpJack resort, if that makes any difference. My young nephew has never seen snow so I need to take him sledding, and I'm probably the best skier of the bunch and a tough blue is about as hard as I want to go (like I said, comfortable, not workout).
  13. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    Another solid Bill's showing. 34-3, Jesus Christ.

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    I think she is hotter than Ms. Jolie, and I have a big crush on Angelina....

  15. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Absentee Mod

    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
    .... Woo!

    Lemme tell yall, all the fun ALWAYS starts with a beer lucnh. The fun gets even BETTER when you have those beer lunches at Acme Oyse4r House, eat around 9000 raw oysters, and drink enough draft Abita Amber to kill a small horse.

    THEM, the Little Lady (™) was swweet enough to let me drink beer when we got home!

    NOW, Im drinking vodka and talking abot politics with the love of my life whilst sitting under the covers, rubbing Tex's little head, drinking Vadka, nd basically just enjoying life more than I can remember in recent memory.

    Life is good. And Yo soy un borracho!@
  16. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    She is perfect. I've loved her for years, ever since Return to the Blue Lagoon. Man, that movie fucking sucked.

    I'm going to go get REALLY high now. Back in ten.

  17. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    God fucking damnit! I now realize why I've been such a terrible shot my whole life. I am cross dominant. I'm a lefty who is right-eye dominant, yet I always aim with my left eye. Jesus Christ this sucks.
  18. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Well when you're aiming for her eyes, unless you're Tucker Max with a weird fetish, there's two of them so it kind of doubles your odds.
  19. epsilon

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I need advice on this:
    I just arrived home with a new case a beer and the need to take a huge dump. Is it ok for me to open the case and crack open a beer while taking a dump, or is it frowned upon? I say it's ok but my girlfriend thinks I'm being weird.
  20. AbsentMindedProf

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Pack for the worst, which would be windy, snowing and in the single digits. It's will probably stay in the 20s during the day, and drop into the teens/single digit temps at night. If it's sunny even 20 degree temps will feel great. I would definitely ski the Shirley Lake Bowl, and the trails on that side. They're all blues and real fun. Just make sure you don't accidentally hop on the Granite Chief lift. The Shirley Lake, and Granite Chief lifts are kind of close together, but I can't imagine switching them up unless you really weren't paying attention. If you have a nice sunny afternoon I would take the lift all the way up to Emigrant Peak, and ski all the way down to High Camp. It's a long and fun run down. Squaw has a big board that let's you know what has been groomed that day, and you'll probably want to stay on those. Even on fresh snow days the terrain gets skied out pretty quick, and I wouldn't try to get first chair on a powder day. The lift lines are pretty crazy first thing on powder days.

    You can probably find a company that runs snowmobile tours, but they probably won't be close to Squaw. As far as sledding goes.... I just don't know. I don't think they do it at squaw, but they are probably some small hills around where you're staying that you could sled on. By the way, you're staying a pretty cool place. It's a short walk to the cable car that'll take you up the mountain.

    You have to go down to Lake Tahoe itself at some point, it's just incredible. There's gambling close by at Crystal Bay if you're so inclined. If you like Sushi I know of an awesome spot, but it's in South Lake so it'll be a decent drive. If you want to do something different for a day snow shoeing can be pretty fun. I would also recommend checking out Northstar for a day too. It's not very far away, and the it's pretty much designed for skiers at your level. Go there in the middle of the week for shorter lift lines. I think that's all I got for you. Have a blast man, Tahoe is awesome.
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