Not as much fun as sneaking into your high school chemistry lab and stealing beakers and stoppers and rubber hoses and stuff for that purpose.
It's stupid because you never get to see her naked boobs anyway. Back in highschool this kid went absent for a while. His friend said the kid took an angel trumpet and it messed him up. From what I understand a bad trip can lay you out with a coma or heart attack at worst, besides other nasty toxic properties (can mistake angel trumpet for another toxic plant called a datura). No idea what the dude's issues were, but when he came back he was broken. Neurologically slow, perpetually tired. He was a loud, hyper little shit, after that he barely spoke a word. He probably stroked out on some other bullshit, not the plant, but, yeah, I will stick with weed either way.
I forget the plant seeds, kind of spiny, but freshman year of college some douchebags picked it from the side of a local street (pretty common plant I think), they actually took it and freaked the fuck out and convinced others to do it. My friends eventually ended up beating one of the dudes up for trying to sell the stuff along with fake X to some people. Ahhh college. edit: upon further investigation is is Datura, which is also called angels trumpet. Though not the same as the one katokoch linked.
There's another drug where that equipment comes in handy, Nolan.. I mean Heisenberg. Sorry. I think the best jury-rigged bongs are Culligan office water cooler jugs. Great for turning into hookahs.
In high school a guy used one of my friend's tampons to make a bowl. You guys are way over-complicating it.
Gross. I applaud resourcefulness but that line between creativity and sad desperation? He crossed it.
It wasn't used. They were looking for something to use and rooting around in her purse. He saw that, popped the cotton out and was all set.
A guy, showing off for some girl while we were in high school, kicked his foot through a glass door and shredded his leg pretty badly. He was screaming bloody murder and the French teacher came tearing out of her classroom with the only bandage-like thing she could find - three maxi pads. So that poor kid went to the emergency room with three Always pads held to his leg. Yeah, he never lived that one down.
We had little cotton things the size of cigarette filters in the "blood box" at matside for wrestling, obviously to jam one or two up your nose and get back on the mat quick. No (male) wrestler I know would be seen with a tampon stuck up their nose. Then what if it got caught in someone's headgear? You'd be standing there in front of everyone with a bloody tampon danging around your head. No thanks.
If there is a job that you've applied for, how soon do you expect to hear back? There's a position that I applied for last week and I am getting contacted now. It seems too soon. Some of the wording they used in the email seemed fishy, then the lady called me on the phone today even though I had not emailed her back yesterday to set up a phone interview for tomorrow. Again, considering I do not have any particularly unique job skills or experience, the whole thing seems too pushy or something. Is this normal hiring behavior or am I being overly suspicious?
Re: Re: The 4/20, Easter Bunny Day WDT NSFW So you applied for a job you're unqualified for? I have always heard back within 10 days, now that I have a government gig, hiring and promotions take longer. I just had a second interview today with the head cheese and while it went well anything past the job I have starts to get into politics and who you know type shit. Which sucks because this will be the 2nd promotion I've been passed over for simply because I don't know enough people yet.
It is an entry level type position. While I am qualified, my experience thus far has been that so many new grads are shotgunning applications out as fast as they can to get one to stick. While I am doing other network-y things in pursuit of a job, I have literally applied to hundreds of jobs and gotten a handful of formal rejections. I believe that companies keep you on file to just have that pool of candidates "just in case." The quick response, plus a few other small details in the email (which is why I did not email the woman back to begin with), is weirding me out, man.
I don't think I've interviewed a single applicant more than ten business days after they've submitted their application. I'm certain I've never interviewed a single one more than 15 business days after submission. I can tell as soon as you submit your application whether I'm interested in meeting with you or not; most interviews I schedule as soon as they submit it in person (or the day-of if I receive it via E-mail). That being said though, I might work a little different than where you're applying, as I prefer to interview on-the-spot when people submit in person in order to meet them in their most "natural" state. I've interviewed people who picked up an application in sweats and a hoodie and not thought any differently. I'm of the opinion that an applicant should be interviewing us as much as we're interviewing them. We want to see if they'd be a good fit, they want to see if we're a place they'd like to work. If both parties don't want to work together, it's not going to work out in the end.
I'm much the same way. If I haven't called within a couple of days, I'm not interested. I have never called someone to explicitly tell them they haven't gotten the job. Also, RotN's whole second paragraph is excellent advice as we can all agree most folks, including myself, are not themselves when showing up for an interview. When I show up to apply for a job, I really dig it when the manager is there to meet me in person and we can do a little on the spot chatting. Far less stressful and you tend to just say what comes naturally instead of over-thinking the whole process.