Best dick picture ever! Wait, I meant funniest dick picture ever! Well, it's up there. There was one one time that one of the ladies linked that had a guy in a bathtub and he had a hardon but you only saw the tip of it over the side of the tub. I thought that was funny too. Spoiler It's like it's taking a nap. For you Canadians out there, it's supposedly someone from Big Brother Canada. Kenny Brain.
We haveall three kiddos for easter this year. I debating whether or not I would like them to actually get along for egg hunting or if I just want to see them all melt down and take it to their usual "welcome to the thunder dome" place.
On the other hand, Mrs. Noland took all three of mine to her parent's place in Florida and I have an empty house.
Apparently I turn into a perv when I get drunk. I think it's more like my mouth filter comes detached. Giving a running commentary on the size, proportion, shape, and hang of all the boobs around you is pervy? Also I learned that the little standing piece on Settlers of Catan is not a penis. But it kinda looks like a penis.
Don't hate. He's done wonders in the field of hip-hop jewelry, and has had endless walk-off homeruns dedicated to him. He even has his own musicals!
Definitely fucked my back up in the gym today. I was almost finished with my workout and then I felt a sharp pain in the middle of my upper back and now there is no position my head can be in that doesn't hurt. Good thing I picked up some booze last night cause my ass is out of commission for awhile.
I mean I don't dig country music at all. But it does bring hot women out in droves in very skimpy clothes.
First titties weekend of the spring and I am feeling like fucking shit. Fuck I get way to many sinus infections (at least that's what I think it is).