He is Catholic. I already knew that. And that is wonderful if they dated and parked the Pink Cadillac, but the don't anymore. My question is: what do they know about marriage or relationships?. Or raising kids? Altar boys can't get pregnant. I don't like the religion, but I don't hold it against him for being Catholic. He's from Boston, and religion is purely a product of geography.
Then why don't you let him do whatever he wants to do and cork your damn mouth. You can really be fucking tiresome.
Well, like a good employee, I went to church this morning. Always a good service. Everyone's happy, everyone's bright and cheerful. We used to have lamenters on Good Friday - this group of old ladies who would sit in the back pew weeping for the entire service. That makes for a long day. My favourite part of today's service was when a child let out an enormous fart during the prayers and an old man at the back loudly, and incorrectly, blamed it on his wife.
I hate these damn holidays. And no, it isn't because of church. Setting aside two and a half hours of my day a couple of times a year to make my family happy is the least I can do. It's the constant bitching and whining from people that make it seem as if going to church a couple of times throughout the year is the fucking Trail of Tears. Oh no, you have to put up with something you don't want to do for a couple of hours to make people you (supposedly) love happy, or at most avoid a needless confrontation with family. Is that really the worst thing ever? Bunch of self absorbed assholes. Happy Easter everybody!
Re: Re: The 4/20, Easter Bunny Day WDT NSFW I go twice a year to keep the wife happy, the small amount of time twice a year isn't a big deal. I am just excited I got out of it this year because of a family dispute, the father in law and his 2 ex wives plus his new wife all attend the same church. Along with all his kids and ex in-laws and cousins. So when a beef happens I get the small relief of not having to suffer through the shit show it can become.
Re: Re: The 4/20, Easter Bunny Day WDT NSFW Um, you also have the anti-vaccine extended family right? They need to do a reality show. They are pulled up. They're called "low-waisted". I was told anything higher is considered "mom jeans." I can't win! Yes, I know I'm not a kid. Shut up. Is that Snoop? If it is, there is no better "don't do dope" image out there.
Re: Re: The 4/20, Easter Bunny Day WDT NSFW You should totally smoke the ganja then go dress shopping.
Re: Re: The 4/20, Easter Bunny Day WDT NSFW There's some crazy colors/patterns out there right now. Who knows what I'd come back with. Also, Macy's dressing rooms smell like urine. Out of all the stores, that's not the one I would have picked to be so bad.
Not from Boston, from CT. And the priest that's performing the ceremony is a widower with 3 grown kids... I guess counseling is the wrong word, it's more of ceremonial preparation than anything.
So it's not repeat sessions on how to go through life. That's better. How long do your wedding ceremonies take?
The Catholics have Pre-Cana that all the happy couples have to participate in before they'll let you get married in the church. The idea is that it makes the couple discuss questions about themselves they may not have, but should. It's the church's attempt to stem the tide of divorce. I was forced to go and my better have decided on Sunday afternoons. During football season. After we completed it, the priest who would be performing the ceremony and friend of my wife's family said, "Oh, I would have just signed the paper, you didn't need to go."
I can only guess he was smiling deviously when he told you that. That's just plain wrong to do that to a man. You might remember this: were Catholics not allowed to eat meat on Fridays a few decades back?
That ended with Vatican II in 1964. 65?, maybe. I forget when exactly. You are still not supposed to eat meat on Fridays during Lent. Which, of course, ends today.
Noland is right. I think they trimmed back the preparation stuff to once a month for a few hours or bi-weekly for an hour, depending on what you want to do. Not sure what to expect. I know my parents had some crotchety old priest who told them they weren't compatible, but they're celebrating their 30th in June so who knows. Then again if My parents were strangers I would immediately assume incompatibility as they are opposite on absolutely everything.