Are y'all saying TX doesn't find me incredibly attractive and wouldn't bear my children if she had a gun to her head? Or, are y'all saying my sperm are broken? Either way, you guys are mean. Dang.
Where are Durbanite and Gravy when you need them? I'm sure they've seen enough porn where they'll figure it out eventually.
I'm with you, I feels ya, girldude . Just had spicy pho with undecipherable chunks of mystery meat. Feels like trying to start a troublesome lawn mower. Plus I just shaved my ass for summer so every fart, as tiny as they may be, sounds like canon fire reverberating off my cheeks. I had to check if my bottom half was underwater. It is indeed not. I will never escape the hideousness of these sounds. With a little luck, neither will any of you now. On the bright side, I had some French coffee with sweet condensed milk. That brew was so strong I could see through time.
Any of you Idiots out there have a sure fire recipe that will knock the socks off a Marine Captain who loves her chilli? We're having a cook off next Friday as part of her farewell from the unit and the section gets a prize if we win.
How in the holy hell does one shave their own ass? I always figured it was something I had to convince my wife to do (unsuccessful thus far.... ladies???).
What a great (abeit short, for me) week. After a couple of weeks of client shit being difficult (for lack of a better term), today was like some massive karmic awakening where everything just went perfectly, and a ton of milestones were hit rather unexpectedly. It went so well that a few of us were actually giggling in the office, and booked off early for a beer or three. All in all it was a great way to start the weekend. Speaking of Father's Day, got the old man a gift card to Lee Valley because what guy wouldn't want to have free cash to spend there? Anyone else got plans for Father's Day?
Or walk around naked with a forrest of dingleberries, and she'll finally get pissed enough to trim stuff up for you. At least that's how it works for the dog.
So A-Rod hit his 3000th hit and people won't sto trashing him. It's beautiful. Even the guy who caught the home run told the Yankees to go fuck themselves and he'll never give it back( apparently he's caught hundreds of MLB home runs). All this nastiness towards A-Rod. What's not to like about him?...