I made this drink up about 6 months ago. It's called Super Rootbeer. You will need: 1-2oz of Three Olives brand Root Beer flavored vodka (yes, you read that right) 4-6oz of Ginger Ale (preferably some decent stuff like Vernors or better. The store brand stuff just doesn't taste right) and a splash of Jager Mix these up in a glass with ice and enjoy one of the most refreshing and delicious drinks in the world.
Maudite is one of my all time favourites. Stuff tastes good and will knock you on your ass. One of my goto drinks is a glass of Screech Rum mixed with Diet Coke. With a mix of about 40% rum 60% diet coke it gives it just the right amount of kick. I am a little biased since i'm a Newfie, but i'll be damned if it isnt the best tasting rum i've had. It has a strong Carmel flavour I like, and it's only $23cdn for a 26er.
I'm a fan of all of these when the price is right, but for sheer getting-fucking-up ability, you cant go wrong with Wild Turkey 101. 23 bucks a bottle and will have you spewing nonsense in no time.
I'm a gin and whiskey kind of guy myself. I enjoy Wisers for my whiskey, its fairly priced, tastes great neat, and doesn't last me all that long for a 750 ml bottle. I am a big fan of Gordon's gin, but Beefeater does in a pinch. As for beers, bud light is my general piss tank beer, but I enjoy Samuel Adams Winter Lager a lot. I live in Niagara Falls, so its easy to cross the border to pick up a case or two for a weekend in the winter. My all time favourite beer is Guiness. I love the taste, the texture, and how smooth it is. Doesn't matter how thick you think it is, it always goes down delicious with a nice fat steak in front of you. As for microbrews, there is a brewery in St Catharines called the Merchant Ale House, and they make a beer called the Old Time Hockey Ale. Its a delicious way to relax after hockey. www.merchantalehouse.ca/beer.php
Jack Daniels and Coke is my life support. It has been suggested I am a borderline alcoholic but I think I snorted that line years ago.
Another good Belgium like beer(only this one's actually from California) is Brother Thelonious Dragon's Milk is also good, though a bit pricey.
It's not widely available outside of Texas, but Shiner Bock is one of my favorites. Shiner also makes a number of other varieties that are also excellent.
As I sit here reading all the different preferences (mine is scotch, but I'm poor), I stare at my lovely glass of neon yellow Mountain Dew and cheap vodka. I'm telling you, vodka and the dew is awesome. Try it if you're poor and like sugar and caffeine. Also, I've been in the beverage industry for about 10 years, everything from 4 star restaurants to the local dive bar. If anyone has questions or wants a suggestion or two about wine or spirits, feel free to ask.
I picked up the hobby of brewing last year and have since brewed up numerous all-grain delicious concoctions. IPA, Russian Imperial Stout, ESB and a few American style ale variations. If you want an awesome hobby that rewards you with beer at the end, I suggest giving it a try. Not to mention a good conversation starter when you walk into a BYOB party with a 5 gallon keg full of you own brew.
The Glenlivet 12 Year is a good choice, my preferred actually, in that price range. Probably around $45, single malt and really smooth on ice or even neat. Glenfiddich would be another choice in that price range, but I find it too woody and not as smooth as The Glenlivet, but if that's your bag, go for it.
Good man! I'll have to agree. Mountain Dew and vodka is the way to go. I suggest you try Cactus Cooler, Mountain Dew, and whatever vodka you have in your possession. Tastes amazing and gets you drunk before you know it. My favorite beer at the moment has to be Fat Tire.
Scotch - Macallan is right about the upper end of that price range. And while we're at it, here are few more of my favorites: Vodka - Tito's. A little hard to find, so I drink Ketel on the regular. Gin - Bombay Sapphire. Nothing else is even close. Beer - Sammy Adams, though I'll drink anything in a pinch other than Bud or Bud light. Edit: It's folly to try to name one specific favorite beer, given the enormous variety in styles and brands. Sam is what I drink regularly. But I'd be remiss if I didn't also plug Arrogant Bastard. Although most of you probably couldn't appreciate it.
Call me a novice but I live and die by the Screwdriver. I can't ever taste the vodka even though it's usually half and half. I've been experimenting with different beers recently. I try not to drink the same brew twice in a row so that I can figure out exactly what I like. I'm finding out I like value...IPAs are a little more money but they fuck you up easier. Racer 5's right now are my IPA of choice. Anyone got any recommendations for good IPAs?
Depending on what you can get in your area, here are some good ones: Lagunitas IPA, Stone, Dogfish Head 60/90/120, Harpoon, Victory Brewing HopDevil, Bells - Two Hearted Ale, Founder's Centennial IPA, AleSmith IPA, Sierra Nevada Torpedo, Russian River Plinys There are tons more excellent IPAs/IPA style variations out there if hops are you thing. Check out www.beeradvocate.com for a ton more information regarding styles/suggestions/reviews of beer.
If you're looking to get fucked easy, check out belgian ales and belgian inspired ales, Unibroue Maudite (may be called Unibrew in your area) or Unibroue La Fin du Monde will wreck your shit and taste amazing.
I can't wait for summer, these are delicious on a hot day. I used to promote Monteith's beer in supermarkets, and it was possibly the best job ever. Everyone likes you because you give out free beer and sausages, and at the end of the day you can keep whatever beer you don't give out. In other news I have been lucky enough to drink Dom Perignon and other ridiculously expensive champagnes with my girlfriend's family in the past few months.
Here is a link to distributors that will ship it. Check to see if they'll ship it to your country. If not, use your Google-fu. Someone out there will ship it to you. http://www.arrogantbastard.com/shipped/index.html
The ultimate panty dropper, in my experience:The Chocolate Cake Shot 1/2 oz Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur 1/2 oz Stoli® Vanil vodka Frost the rim of an old-fashioned glass with sugar and lemon. Add the vanilla vodka and Frangelico hazelnut liqueur; stir together. Lick the sugar rim, shoot the mixture, and bite a piece of lemon. I saw more boobs serving this than most men.