I sold these easily(bartending days), I'd walk up to a group of guys and ask "would you like sex at my house?" Sex at My House 3/4 oz Amaretto Di Saronno® liqueur 3/4 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur 2 oz pineapple juice Pour all ingredients into shaker. Shake and strain. I usually served it in a rocks glass. Never had any complaints.
No love for the Tanqueray yet? I love gin, and Tanqueray is definitely my favorite, but I do actually like Beefeaters. All my friends make fun of me for drinking an "old man drink" (gin and tonic). I've heard that Hendricks is really good and unique, but when I went to buy a bottle, I noticed it said something along the lines of "not everyone will like this" on the tag. I don't want to buy it if I'm not going to like it. Now I just have to remember to try it somewhere. As for beer, I like wheat beers. It seems like a lot of people I know don't like wheat beers though. Also, anything from the Great Lakes Brewing Company (in Cleveland). I recently moved to St. Louis and I find myself missing their Dortmunder Gold.
I recently finished bartending school (after being laid off from 10+ years in corporate hell, wanted to try something new), and one of the best shooters I learned there is a Poison Apple. Great shot which everyone seemed to love out at the bar. 1/2 oz Captain Morgan 1/2 oz Crown Royal 1/2 oz Apple Pucker 1/2 ox Chambord Splash of sour mix, splash of Sprite/7-Up The Pucker and Chambord balance out any possible harshness from the Captain and Crown. Amazingly good. Normally, my tastes are pretty simple. Jameson and Coke always does it for me, but I'd love to find a good place to buy a bottle of Macallan 18 at a decent price to have on hand for special occasions.
One thing I've learned as a bartender is that if you're making shots that have some sort of mixer in it (cranberry, sour, etc.), feel free to substitute well liquors for the name brands. Kentucky Gentleman's bourbon tastes just fine in a Royal Flush for about half the price. Also, if you're looking to get drunk, stay away from Triple Sec shots (Kamikaze). All of the bars in the town I work in use non-alcoholic Triple Sec to save money. As for the drinks I prefer, I prefer beer. I'm not picky at all, but I won't drink Corona unless its free. If I'm trying to get Special Olympics drunk, I'll usually pound cheap vodka and tonics, or just drink 3 AM vodka on the rocks. If you've never tried 3 AM, you need to. Its great in girly drinks, but definitely has enough kick to shoot it strait and still keep your man card. Its got the same stuff that Red Bull does to keep you awake all night.
Easily the best drink I ever came up with was as follows. Generally made it in a pint glass or red party cup .5 oz vodka 1 oz peach schnopps 1 oz SoCo Fill half the remaining are with Redbull, the other half with soda water (not soda) Splash of Grenadine Stir It was just what we had left at this particular house party. It tasted like a watermelon Jolly Rancher and knocked you on your ass. Strong, but fruity. So we named it "The Sissy Jock".
The Home Brewing Thread This thread is about home-brewing beer (and moonshine I suppose). With as many falling-down drunks as inhabit this place, there have to be some decent home brewers here. To get the thread started I have a couple of questions if anyone has more expertise than myself. I currently live in an apartment with very little extra room to store a carboy of fermenting beer. Would I be able to use a bedroom closet or would it require using a cooler location such as a basement? Also, does anyone have an experience with using a keg and a CO2 canister to keg their own beer? I had a roommate who bought a couple of 5 gallon soda kegs to store his beer, but every beer tended to have a similar aftertaste. I'm not sure if it was because of his kegging method or because he didn't clean his equipment thoroughly enough. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Finally, if anyone has any good recipes or links to share about brewing beer, have at it.
Hang on. Sailor Jerry is fucking amazing but anyone who mixes it with Dr. Pepper should be put down. That's like winning the lottery and then donating it all to charity. What a waste.
I turned 21 recently, and I've been exploring various craft brews. Brewery Ommegang (Cooperstown, NY) is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. The Rare Vos belgian amber is delicious, as well as their Biere De Mars. Their Hennepin is a saison, a little fruity for my tastes. My go-to six pack right now is DFH 60 min IPA, but if a bar has DFH 90 on tap, you can bet I'll be drinking it. I also really enjoy Sierra Nevada Kellerweis. On the other hand, you can never go wrong with a nice cold PBR.
One of the best shots I know of if the abortion shot. Not many people I've met know about it, and it's a great way to impress/disgust strangers. 2/3 peach schnapps 1/3 Baileys (so it floats on top of the schnapps) a few drops of grenadine The grenadine pulls the baileys into the schnapps and you end up with this:
A bar in Ann Arbor serves the two most disgusting shots I've ever consumed. Both of them were on a dare during my 21st birthday weekend/bender. Smoker's Cough: Shot of Jagermeister Dollop of mayonnaise This should be enough to turn your stomach just reading about it. Drinking it will do even worse things to you. Cement Mixer: Equal parts Bailey's Irish Creme and Lime Juice The juice makes the Bailey's curdle the same way an Irish Car Bomb curdles if you let it sit instead of chugging it. Only it tastes far far worse than anything else you've ever tasted. What are the worst drinks/shots people have consumed?
For those of you that enjoy alcoholic coffee drinks, I just created one for a wine dinner. My boss wanted a coffee drink to go with desert, and since the desert will be pumpkin pie with housemade vanilla ice cream, I didn't think Bailey's and coffee would be the way to go. Right now, I call it the Harvest Moon, but if anyone has a better name, feel free to share. Harvest Moon 3 oz. fresh coffee 3 oz. steamed milk 1 oz. Amaretto 1 oz. Anisette Stir, Top with milk foam and nutmeg. Enjoy.
I could have sworn I saw a home brew thread around here, but I may be mistaken. If there is one, you should get there, as you have the temperament for it. If not, start one, see also, same reason.
If my avatar isn't a give away, I am a huge fan of Rogue's Dead Guy Ale. Unfortunately I am a poor college student, and only drink it when I go home. Since I am not really a fan of most "college" beers, I typically drink cheap bourbon. Shots if it's been in the freezer, if not I mix it with diet coke. Though a new drinking buddy has just recently turned me on to drinking it with sprite. I was hesitant at first, but it is surprisingly good. My mom always joked that she would put Jack in my bottle to shut me up. My love for the stuff as an adult makes me think it's less of a joke than she leads me to believe.
It may be my need for attention (see also: narcissism) but I'd love for people to try this and tell me what they think.
Bell's Hopslam is a hoppy IPA to end all other 'hoppy' beers. It is very, very good and I dislike IPAs. I do love the Bluegrass Brewing Company's Jefferson's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout. Its a good Imperial Stout with nice vanilla and bourbon tones, the smokiness of the barrel comes through at the end very nicely but never overpowering, definitely a beer that gets better as it warms up. It seems to change per brew but I've seen bottles label 8.5% ABV and some 10.5% ABV.
I was recently given a bottle of Johnny Walker Green Label for my 21st, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I've been drinking spirits on the rocks for quite a while now but this is the first one I can honestly say a piece of ice ruins it. It needs nothing! It is warm and smooth and, to my untrained palate, seemingly perfect. When I'm out and not drinking beer, I'll usually order Grey Goose on ice, but there is one bar that can make my favourite cocktail, a "Canadian rust". 1.5 measures Canadian club, approximately 1 measure of Drambuie (to taste), and a small piece of orange rind for garnish. Basically a rusty nail, but CC instead of scotch. (Edit: served in a lowball on ice). If you like whiskey, give it a try.
The above post about Drambuie reminds me of a great winter drink. I've always known it as "The Grenade" but it might have other names. -1 oz. Grand Marnier -1 oz. Drambuie Serve neat in a brandy glass.
I've heard the Sassy Red is even better than the Summer Ale. Personally I found the Monteiths New Zealand Ale to be great.