The G&T is so manly that if a girl were to drink it, her ovaries would fall out and dangle like a set of balls. How could it not be manly? After all, it was created as a medicinal drink by the manliest of men to stave off disease while trying to civilize the hell-holes of the world.
Behold: Ed Hardy wines. For the classy douchebag. A friend and I decided to try this out before Thanksgiving. If nothing else it would be a story about how we got tipsy on Ed Hardy brand wine.
Russian Standard vodka. It is about 19 dollars cheaper for a fifth than goose and ciroc and it has beat both on taste tests. It is smooth as butter.
“The gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen’s lives, and minds, than all the doctors in the empire.” -- Winston Churchill Your friends don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
Most of this thread makes my teeth hurt. Oy, with the booze and the sugar! And all of you rum drinkers (and worse spiced rum) - yuck. (Except Vizcaya; that's not bad. Oh, and Barrilito, but I don't think you can get that outside of PR. Havana Club is good too - you Canadians are lucky. Stupid embargo.) Of course, I'm old and not poor anymore, so the exploration that those factors allow means that my tastes have changed a lot since I was in my 20s. (Sort of. I've never met a Mickey's grenade I could turn down, and give me hot summer day, a tube, a river and a can of High Life and I'm happy.) Not a big scotch drinker (there are a few that I like, but they're all upwards of $200/bottle); I prefer my whiskey with an "e". Middleton is my special-occasion favorite; Red Breast is the every day stuff. I can barely drink regular old Jameson anymore. If I'm going cheap, I'm a Powers girl. If I'm drinking American, I'm probably drinking Basil Hayden's or Blanton's. Weller 12 year is my absolute favorite (and cheap) but it's not easy to find here (DC). (The bottle that they occasionally have at Bourbon in AdamsMorgan is brought back by the owners from KY every year.) My new favorite thing in the world is Ri rye (by the fine folks at Jim Beam). There's a bar here that has giant ice cubes (like 2"x2" cubes) and they pour it over one of those, and it's just perfect. I never thought I cared for rye, but Ri has opened my eyes. (Even though the name is totally gay.) Lest y'all think I don't occasionally get a taste for the sweet, I've never met a Tom Collins I didn't like (especially if its made with Hendricks), and I've been singing the praises of Firefly for a few years now. (I don't like Jeremiah Weed or any of the other sweet tea vodkas though.) Square One Cucumber Vodka is another favorite, and is one of the smoothest things I've ever tasted. Straight out of the freezer, straight up. Beer-wise, I'm leaning toward the sweet this week too. Fridge is stocked with DogfishHead Raison d'etre, Ommegang Hennepin, Southern Tier Pumpking and well, High Life. High Life is my hands down favorite go to beer, followed by DFH 60 Minute. As far as wine goes, I'm in the process of moving the cases of Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier and Rose from summer to the back of the wine storage, and starting to buy reds and interesting whites for winter (no oaky, buttery chards please). I've been following the evolution of Virginia wines from shit to respectability, so I'm trying to stock up on some of those. Linden has been good to me; their Avenius Chardonnay isn't oaky or buttery, their Hardscrabble Red is great Bordeaux blend. Rappahannock is another great VA vineyard, and I especially like their Meritage. One last note on the wine I'm drinking now (b/c talking about wine is mind numbingly boring if you're not also drinking it at the same time), ever since I lived in Budapest I've preferred the drier Tokaji Furmints. I don't describe this wine well, but it's not cloying sweet like most Tokajis. It's a great dinner wine, and Royal Tokaji has a great one, as does Zoltan Demeter. If you can get your hands on a bottle of either of those (they run between 15-20/bottle) I recommend that you do. (I've been "unemployed" since the last election, mostly by choice, and do a lot of restaurant and bar reviews for a couple of outlets here in DC. I take my eating and drinking very seriously - even if it's High Life and Hot Dogs.)
Somewhat drunk/ tipsy right now, carton of pineapple orange juice, spill out 1/3 and replace with cheap vodka. Great feeling, will fuck you up if you drink enough, but tastes delectable. Everyone's had a screwdriver of course, but the strong taste of the pineapple makes it ridiculously better.
Innis & Gunn (beer) Just had both this past weekend when I was back in Canada. You can get it down here in NYC too... HIGHLY recommended. Brewed in old scotch barrels... you can thank me later.
There are few things in this life better than a well made Gin Rickey. Fresh limes make the rickey; the gin makes the man. It is imperative that one uses fresh limes. One of the benefits of living in America's cock is access to fresh citrus year round. Glass, make ice happen 1 lime 2 ounces Gin Top it off with seltzer The only thing better than a Rickey is a Hemingway Daiquiri (Papa Doble) in October. "But there is a strong wind today and we drink according to the wind." Fill a cup with ice 1.5 times. Dump it in a blender 3 ounces white rum 1 lime 3/4 oz fresh grapefruit juice drizzle Maraschino Liqueur (I recommend Luxardo... because it's the only one on the market over here) Blend it all until it looks "like the sea where the wave falls away from the bow of a ship when she is doing thirty knots." Side note: if one is going to consider a serious home bar go ahead and buy a lime/lemon press. Easiest way to juice fruit.
I've been on a major gin kick lately. Tanqueray 10 is great on the rocks. Looking forward to trying the Rangpur, and getting a hold of some Hendrick's. As far as beer goes, if you live near a Trader Joe's, give the Simpler Times lager a whirl. Three bucks for a six pack, so you're already as cheep as beer gets, and it's 6.2% abv. Tastes pretty good, too.
Has anyone ever tried African Starr rum? Being quite into rum I am interested in trying it, although that's at least in part because of the fancy ass bottle. However I have a sneaking suspicion that it is the Grey Goose of rum (in a bad way). Any thoughts?
I have to second the vote for Talisker. Depending on my mood, though, I might go with Caol Ila. Talisker is fairly balanced taste-wise. Good choice as a gift, especially considering that it's within your price range (10yr goes for 45-50). Caol Ila is extremely smokey. Very rich, very good. Depending on where you go it might be the same price, though it is harder to find. I also have to second the opinion that you go try these out yourself. You really won't know until you go for it. Personally, I think you have to go with single malts. Blended whiskeys just don't taste as good IMO. These things are so subjective though, so go try them all out.
When I was going out and partying in my younger days, Jack Daniels was my poison of choice. Either shots and beer, any kind of beer, it didn't matter, or Jack and Coke. Now, when I do drink at all, which is rarely, I drink Sam Adams Boston Lager or Yungling. I have to say though, some of the drinks I've read on this thread sound really good.
Did Winston Fucking Churchill drink girl drinks? As Kuhjager posted, are the stoic Brits, who swilled gin by the gallon while subjugating most of the known world drinking girly drinks? Gin and Tonics were a man's way of consuming the quinine (in the tonic, and yes it's still in there) that would protect from malaria.
About a year or two after college (ie: while in law school) I thought I could drink like I used to and had a big night so to speak since then I have not been able to stomach coors light.... i mean like ever. Stone sober, buzzed, drunk, hungover it makes me want to vomit now. I have no idea what it is, I have heard of people not liking tequilla after spending a weekend in Mexico, but this feels different. Every 6 month or so i try one when it is the only beer at a tailgate or something but no change. I really would turn a coors light down and stay sober rather than drink it. Anyone have the same problem with coors light?
No, and I have had some of the worst hangovers of my life on the stuff. I can drink Coors Light at anytime with no problems. But I have noticed that whenever I drink Busch Heavy, all of my turds are come out looking like those little dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets they used to have at Burger King. Go figure.
Similar experience with Bud heavy (same family and all) earth shattering hear popping fart/poop/diarea I think if I drink enough of it one day I can blast righ off the pot. Friends and I have always just called it Budweiser shits! EDIT: (Pointing sheepishly at Blue dog).... HE STARTED IT...... I'll behave now shegirl.
I can't believe you guys are tainting the booze thread with your poop talk. Maybe we should just have a Poop Thread. Or an All Things Ass Thread so you can talk about farts too.
Bought a six pack of Long Trail Double Bag last night because I haven't had it in forever. My god is it good. All the more reason to drive up to Killington this winter and get it fresh from the tap at the brewery.
To the beer aficionados in this board: I'm thinking about a spring break trip to Germany and making the haul to Westvleteren in Belgium to try the Trappist Westvleteren 12 straight from the monastery. However, if I were to go to Belgium, I would have convinced 4 other friends to make the 6.5-7 hour drive from where we're staying in Germany to Belgium. Needless to say, if it sucks I will look like a dipshit. We plan on being in Europe for a week, so I'm guessing this trip will be a 2 day, 1 night ordeal. My question: is it worth it? Am I expecting too much from this beer or no? Is there a similar beer in Germany that I could have?
My personal MINDFUCK: pint glass+ice all full shots 1xvodka 1xwhite rum 1xgin 1xtequila silver pissang ambon for the poison green colour topped off with 7Up/Sprite Enjoy!