Wait, what did I "butcher"? You mentioned the show Toradora and called it "a well-done high school romance". That's what I quoted, right? As for the rest, Toradora is such a putridly awful, embarrassing, pedophilic mess that even I don't particularly wish to argue about it. However, I will respond to a few more general points; Yes, and 95% of anime high school romances are garbage. They're simple-minded sex fantasies for losers. "Twilight" is the same thing, albeit for women. In fact, even Twilight has more depth and character development than "Toradora". This is a really lame, stupid excuse for any television series. 6 episodes, at 24 minutes each, work out to 2 hours and 24 minutes. That's a long movie. It's more than enough opportunity for any series to demonstrate its strong points. So if I feel a series is trash for its first 2 hours and 24 minutes, then chastising me for not wasting another 8 hours before giving my impressions is retarded. If any TV series, live action or otherwise, sucks for its first 6 episodes, it sucks, period.
I wasn't comparing Toradora to Chihayafuru, I was comparing it to Ano Natsu. Nice strawman. I'm not saying you should have kept watching if you hated it. I'm saying that saying stuff like: "one of the worst TV series (not just anime) ever made", "represents everything awful about modern anime and the "moe" trend" - is retarded if you've only seen a quarter of the show. I drop shows before the sixth episode all the time, but I don't pretend to speak authoritatively on their relative merits within the entire medium of anime. That would be stupid. Me neither.