The problem is that teams can reduce the variance by doing it more. If you can send him to the line 30+ times in a game, you'll usually get a result close to his long-term average.
No, you'd need 15 shooting fouls. To successfully get 15 shooting fouls you might need to accumulate 18 or 20 total fouls on Howard alone. And how many of those does he finish the attempt? Dwight Howard is really strong after all, and you can't go around picking up 7 flagrant fouls a game. Plus the fouls you commit away from Howard.Did you know that James Harden is third in the NBA in FTA per game? And was first last year? And hits 85% of them? Is that really a guy you want to spend all game in the penalty against? Lin knows how to get to the line too, and he hits 80%. And do you really want to be playing your 12th, 13th, etc. guys enough minutes to accumulate that many shooting fouls? Those guys probably suck at every other facet of the game. There are a lot more variables at play than simply "Dwight Howard no shoot good."
Motherfuckers better learn y'all ain't taking no streaks into the United Center and coming out with them.
As a Pacers fan this pleases me greatly. Started pulling for them because Columbia's own Jermaine O'Neal was on the team when it came time to pick a team. I feel sorry for those bastards that changed to Bobcats fans.
Pleases you greatly? Fuck you. I can understand the benefit of one of the best players for one of your conference rivals going down, but essentially applauding the end of the career for one of the best young and exciting players in the league is just a fucking dick move. I'm sure you'd have absolutely no problem with Clemson fans talking about how Lattimore shredding both of his knees "pleases them greatly"
That is some bush league shit right there. Seriously? It pleases you? As a fan, you should want your team playing the best and beating the best. If you get out the east this year, there is going to be a HUGE fucking asterisk and you fuckers are going to know it. Especially once Rose shook the rust off, the Bulls ended that bitch ass winning streak you had. How many points did you guys lose that by? This is fucking crushing because now we seriously have to think if this is career that never took off because of injuries. Hopefully Rose gets his ass to Germany as soon as possible, but this could be the end of his "career." Its in quotes because he'll be able to comeback and play, but he might be 50-75% of who he is now. Now we don't hate Nate or Marco. No fucking clue is putting up points for us consistently unless Boozer goes into "fuck you, amnesty this" mode, Kirk stays healthy throughout the season, and Jimmy develops some hate.
Damn, are we really already going there? I mean given how long it took for him to return from his other knee injury doesn't bode well for this one, but still. So what does 50-75% of Derrick Rose bring to the table? I haven't watched him as much as a Bulls' fan, but if he comes back and his quickness and explosiveness are gone, how's he going to have to change his game in order to be effective?
(Disclaimer: I'm a lifelong Spurs fan, as I was born and still live in the city; take that as you may) I believe Rose will be the greatest player who never was. And I HATE the Bulls. But I love basketball. I don't know what to think of his injuries (or his rehab length) because I don't know enough about the medical profession. However, I do know that when Rose was health, he was flat KILLING. And Chicago, I think, has been robbed of him doing that over a career. As a Spurs fan, I understand how it is to build your team to compliment one player (our case: Tim Duncan). Get the right pieces around him (SA did; I do believe Chi did as well) and you have a championship team waiting to spark. And when you build your team to compliment one player (Rose) who is never consistently in the lineup, well... I do feel bad.
Again, Rose isn't God's gift to the NBA, it sucks that we may never know for sure but the idea that so many people cream in their pants over this guy is beyond me.
"Potential" is what keeps so many new fans glued. "Potential" is what keeps so many life-long fans who are borderline, from giving up.
Not as in "he'll never play again" but as in, kiss him ever being an MVP and perenial All-NBA candidate goodbye, then yes. It just has such a profound impact on the way he plays, cause he was a reckless abandon, explosive athleticism on display sort of player. One of the Chicago sports radio stations had Robbie Hummel (On the TWolves, former AA candidate at Purdue) who had severe knee injuries on both knees. And he flat out said, while comeback is possible, there are aspects of your game that won't comeback. And additionally, he said he was benefitted by saying explosive athleticism was never a focal point of his game, so he was helped by that, implying that Rose is going to lose elements of it. I don't think the hype over what could have been is overblown, the man had an MVP before age 23, younger than anyone, Lebron, Magic, MJ, anyone. He was electric. And he was just getting started, which was what made people giddy. Even if he was only 85-90% of potential after the first injury, you expected him to be a top 5 guard for the foreseeable future. Not really sure what your point is. Its not like he's a lottery pick that got hurt and never really made a full impact. He had a couple incredible seasons before this happened, which makes it worse.
I don't really have a point other than I am sick of fucking hearing about how great he will be. ESPN will have to find new ways to fill it's air time, nobody gave a shit about him until he got hurt the first time.