Get a tune to turn off the code. At this point, it seems like the easiest thing to do, since the other options are to probably drop the gas tank, and that AIN'T and easy deal on an F-Body. I hate to say this, but if you want an easy solution, that's it.
Love the sound of that rotary. I miss my old RX7, but what I don't miss is working on that temperamental bitch. They are an amazing power plant...quick revving, produce a ton of horsepower with tiny weight, and would probably be happy running at 20 grand if they could. But they are temperamental and no one knows how to work on them, including Mazda. I was still able to bend and work on cars back then, but I knew fuck all about rotaries, so I took it to Mazda when I first bought it. Then I'd have to go behind their mechanics and actually fix the damn car. I ended up learning waaay more about rotaries then I planned on. But when she was right, damn was that car fun. In other news, guess what I haven't had in awhile? Yep...a CEI. It has to be a vacuum line. For right now I think I'll just plug in the scanner and turn it off if/when it pops up and see what happens. Also, my neighborhood has about 15 feral cats. Those cocksuckers have completely destroyed my paint on the roof...there's at least 40 deep scratches from them getting on my roof/fucking/whatever the hell cats do. I'd be even more pissed if I had a good paint job, but I'm still pissed. If I lived in the country, I'd be sniping cats left and right just because.
Also the quickest way to start a fire in the weeds. No exhaust valves and the combustion chamber dumping fire straight into the pipes.
I laughed my ass off when I first saw that. I have a friend who owns a custom turbo shop just outside of Vancouver, more industrial stuff for big diesels, etc, but it's got a a high end fab/cnc R&D area in the shop. His pride and joy is a POS PT Cruiser that he initially bought for his wife that he's built up to be a monster twin turbo with killer suspension and brakes. It's a serious sub 10 second car. It looks like shit on the outside, but throw it up on a lift and all you see is stainless piping. And when he puts his foot down, the whole thing just squats and shoots like nothing I've ever seen. Doesn't corner worth shit, but man it goes fucking FAST in a straight line. Whenever the shop is slow, or he's bored, he just keeps throwing money at it, and writes most of it off as a "test platform". It has some incredible R&D go-fast bits strapped to it, and the engine has been rebuilt more than a few times (there are a few "standby crates" stacked up in the shop for the inevitable grenading of the engine). It's a serious love/hate relationship.
I did too. That GTI came out of nowhere. Here's one more, a couple of perplexed Germans on the autobahn.
My favorite ones are from about a decade ago when people where putting turbod hayabusa engines in smart cars.
That's been pretty much the marketing scheme for automakers for about 70 years now. "Win on Sunday, sell on Monday."
Which manufacturers are you talking about? Because in MY LIFETIME, the cars on the dealer's lot are nothing like the concept cars or race vehicles. "Win on Sunday, sell on Monday" died in the early '70s.
I feel like at this point, the only reason Dodge hasn't put a hemi in a neon is because they haven't figured out how
They modified the initial premise, but they still use something similar with performance cars. I read where one company actually lost money on every performance car they sold. I believe it was the C8 Corvette, but I may be wrong. The basic idea is #1 it's their company's flagship, a rolling billboard, and #2 it will bring customers into the showroom. The theory is that a guy will come in to check out (and maybe drive) the performance offering and end up buying something they can actually afford. I know it worked with me once, I went in to check out a 300ZX TT and ended up buying an NA model. When the C5 Vette came out I went to the Chevy dealership to take a look. They had one in the showroom under a cover. The salesman said I could lift a little bit of the cover (I didn't. Because why would I give a fuck of just getting a glimpse of the color?) Anyways, they did happen to have an TT RX7 that I damn near bought (Something wasn't right with the boost when I drove it, it just wasn't kicking right.) So they're still operating on something like the "Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday" marketing, they just refined it over the years.
They actually did, sort of... The SRT-4 was an attempt to do just that, and it actually got pretty close with the staged addons you could get straight from Dodge. The stage 3 addons bump it to 355hp and 365lbs of torque. Someone even came out with a Stage 4 addon which increased the turbo size and swapped a bunch of engine internals and the clutch to get you over 400hp. Also, here's a fun little tidbit from Dodge. I believe from 1994-2016, all of Dodge's car seats where built off the exact same rail system. Yes, this means you could direct swap Viper seats into a Neon with nothing more then undoing the bolts and swapping them out.