and people will eat them up without realizing that the electricity comes from non-green power sources. I will absolutely be game if they make something that can compete with the range and towing power of my truck, and there's a remotely feasible way for me to setup a home solar/wind charging system, and I can ensure that wherever I stop to "refuel" I use charging systems based on green tech. Beyond that? It's hypocritical and they can go fuck themselves.
That isn't the worst part. Think even if 25 percent of houses have an EV, you think the electrical grid could handle that?
depends on how power much the EVs pull when they charge, what time of day they charge and if they do it all at once? Just too many variables and I don’t know the answer to any of them.
Their PowerWall units are really good for buffering EV charging. Trickle it in at cheap times then dump from PowerWall to car when needed.
I could imagine. I am no expert, but I just cant see our power grid handling right now with how heavy the push to EV's are. GM is going all electric by 2030, and lots of others aren't far behind. That is going to be a huge spike in power consumption in 10 to 20 years.
$300 later, I have a new tire. I'm not sure I even had 20k on those tires, so just needed one. I hit a curb pretty hard with that wheel, so that's when the cut likely happened. I'll still see if Bridgestone will prorate the tire, however I cannot find the paperwork from when I bought it. It's likely I misplaced or tossed the paperwork.
Just ordered the fender flares for my truck that I was gonna put off until I was absolutely sure I’m gonna need them. Thanks to whomever gave a heads up about impending shortages for things other than chips.
the "right to repair" issues are going to cut into the potential consumer base significantly. Plus, which do you think is easier for the average driveway mechanic: fixing combustion-powered vehicle, or repairing one that requires at least a trade school-level understanding of electronics?
Square body Chevy trucks people try to keep running. @dixiebandit69 's bread and butter when he's close to retirement. I saw one converted to run on gasses produced by a bed full of horse shit once.
Me, personally? No. I'll adapt and overcome; I'm looking into getting my L3 ASE certification for hybrid-drive systems. In the industry as a whole, yeah, but it will be about 20+ years from now, depending on IF the government tries to force old cars/ trucks off the road. I've got a bad suspicion that they will try to pass another "Cash for Clunkers" type bill* in the next few years, but you have to buy an EV. A bunch of car companies have set goals to phase out ICE vehicles in the foreseeable future, and how do you think they will do that without some kind of outside intervention? *Cash for Clunkers was just a big handout to the US automotive manufacturers.
What the hell? You don't even need that shit (airbags). Some of you probably think I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. There once was a time before airbags existed. I wonder what kind of salvage price you would get on that car...