Sorry for the shitty quality. But I borrowed an inspection camera. That is what looks like a shield around the nut. Which kind of makes sense to what I was feeling yesterday. I could barely get a finger in there and spin it with the other hand but I could only feel the bolt turn and not the nut
The ongoing saga of your nuts is fascinating. But seriously, I miss the days of messing around with my cars, although I don’t miss stripped or seized parts. I haven’t done anything more complicated than replacing a battery or air filters in years but this stuff is cool to follow along with.
At a 150 a hour for shop rate or what ever it is. And waiting for weeks to months. You can of have to do your own shit.
No, but i am going to have to. I am going to have to go through the bottom. The control arm bracket at the top is to slanted and is in the way no matter what you do. Going in from the front isn't an option, because the bracket for the toe link i am trying to take off goes into the frame.
The bottom was to angled/sloped to cut a nice hole in it. I did some more probing and the bracket didn't go into the frame quite as much as i thought so i cut a hole in the side of the frame. I don't think those tabs are what held the nut from spinning just probably holding it in place. The whole cage was quite bulged, so i am assuming that the cage was what held it from turning. I knocked the cage off, the rectangle nut fit a 24mm wrench on the small side. Even after soaking it in penetrating oil, and trying to tighten/loosen to get it to move. Nothing. It is fucking stuck. It was getting late, windy/raining. So i called it a night. I am going to get a small propane torch and heat the fuck out of it next.
Weather was too ugly last night to try. But I had to go pick up a 100' oxy/ace hose for the shop today and saw a little oxy torch kit asked how much and i thought it was way to much so came back and did a quick google search. 359USD/451Can, ok that seems reasonable for the exact same part number 748can which was close to what the local welding store said. Exact same fucking thing is 300 dollar more.
Did you try Princess Auto? I just saw that they had a small oxy kit (with tanks) on clearance. for like $500
Closest one is 8 hours away, and too late to ship out tonight. Will look around i just couldn't believe the price, and the price difference. Then you still have to spend the money on the contents after that.
Have you considered just trying a MAP gas torch to heat it up, then spraying the hell out of it PB Blaster?
I have some map gas at home i am going to use. I just didn't think the mini oxy kit was going to be 700 dollars. I would of bought it around the 450 mark.
Didn't get it glowing red hot, but I did spend a quite a few minutes with some map gas. Came out like butter.
Been training a new guy at work, doesn't like to slow down so i have no time to do anything personal on my work computer. Got the Explorer back together last weekend. Holy fuck trying to get that knuckle with 7 different bolts lined up was the biggest pain in my ass. The piece i was replacing as an adjustment piece, i basically had to wind it all the way out just to get everything to bolt up. When I put the tire back on, i could tell just by looking at it that i had adjusted it back to much. But since i changed an adjustment piece it was going in for an alignment either way so i just left it. Everyone i knew with a welder was either busy or out of town that weekend. So I called in a favour from the local welding shop on a Sunday got him there to weld the plate back on. Then i went and ordered a welder and it should be here early this week. Time to learn how to weld. Not like I could ever afford one but I was really looking forward to it
Ffs. I looked at that yesterday. Basically don't read anything on the 1st. Completely forgot on the 2nd