Usually, if the mechanic likes to work on them, they're easy to work on and normal repairs are fast and simple. Cars that they hate usually have a known issue that is a nightmare to resolve, or you have to take everything apart for 4 hours to replace a part in 10 mins, then put it all back together in 4 hours. I quite enjoy this YT channel: by the guys at Donut. I love it. Especially when they get Bob (the designer of the Miata) on. This episode is in line with why mechanics hate some cars:
Here's a video of Bob talking about failed concepts... dude is a walking encyclopedia and has a great sense of humour.
YES, they do! And did you know that on some models, you have to lower or raise the engine to just remove the spark plugs ? "Subaru head gaskets" are a running joke/ meme in the mechanic circles.
I have to say, all boxer engines are not the devil... it was 4 bolts and then lifting the body off the engine for my old 911. Crazy easy to work on. Loved that car.
For a regular person though it probably means a mechanic is going to charge an extra couple hundred bucks to open the hood.
Does the state in which you plate the vehicle have any impact on that? I bought my grey truck from a dealership in Virginia, but plated it in Pennsylvania and could of sworn I paid PA sales tax on it. Then again, that was in 2011, so my memory could be fuzzy.
I can't speak for OR, but if I buy a car out of state, I'll pay CA sales tax when I register it here.
In California, as well as paying a sales tax on any used vehicle purchased you will also be paying a penalty for any vehicle that is not stamped as meeting California emmissions.
*Most* cars are now 50 state compliant but the new-ish RAM TRX has two versions. One compliant and one not but I've never been able to figure out the difference between the two. HP rating are the same so it's not a California pisswater gasoline issue
Y'all are right about the state tax thing. Thank you for correcting me! Very good to know.... is no sales tax,have to pay sales tax.
Mechanics, car people: the 2022 Toyota Camry SE AWD. The main issues popping up with a Google search is the AWD not engaging and some weird check engine light with no associated code issue. Are these rare or common issues in your experience?
God damn, these times are ridiculous. And that's with the Chevy engineers driving them. Not even pro racers.(snipped too much off. The car on the right is the previous record holder at each track)
Key fob issues. My 2014 Sierra has two key fobs and I've used one fob since I've owned the truck (~5 years). The other day I was trying to lock the door by hitting the lock button twice. Once to lock and the second hit to set the alarm. Usually the lights will flash and the horn gives a quick beep confirming it locked. I noticed it wasn't giving me the honk but I could hear the door actuators working. I walked back over to the truck and the doors were unlocked. I hit the fob lock button again, the doors lock and immediately unlock. Over and over. Checked to make sure all the doors were properly shut (they were) and still have the same issue. Weird. Started the truck and took it for a spin and it locked the doors like usual when I put it in gear but then a short bit later, the doors unlocked while I was driving. Weirder. I put a new battery in the fob, same issues. I dig out the other fob that came with the truck, put a new battery in it and it'll lock the doors fine, but won't unlock them. If I use the key to unlock the door, the horn will start chirping when I open the door and stops when I put the key in the ignition. TL;DR - One key fob locks the doors and then immediately unlocks them. Other fob locks doors but won't unlock them.
Split the fobs open, remove the rubber button overlay and look at the printed circuit board contacts for each function. They may be dirty, you can use alcohol to clean them with a a tip. You may need new fob cases/rubbers. Pretty cheap on Amazon. Those years also have problems with the positive and negative battery cables - makes them do all kinds of weird things. Sometimes shaking the cables can get it to act up.
Most of the disassembly videos break the chrome side pieces so I wasn't sure about trying to take it apart not realizing that replacement cases are only $9. I bought a few cases which will be here in a few days. Something is definitely messed up in there though. I touched the battery to the terminal and the truck immediately unlocked.