I sent out a note to the XBL group. I should be playing by 7-8 CST tonight. Gotta improve that K/D ratio. I guess after starting well under 1.00 (probably around a 0.7) I'm happy to be back up to a 1.12. Finally got a 20 kill streak too, wish I would have had nuke activated though, I would have camped out and picked people off the rest of the game to go for the 25.
We started one for the RMMB last year. I haven't played MP on Steam in a while, (last was when I played a few games of L4D with Tom88,) but as far as I know it's still there. Search Rudius Media group or something.
IW really dropped the ball on team balance and switching sides. Case in point, I got paired with 4-5 level 60-70 guys who were good and knew their shit. We were up against level 30-40's, and after a good beating all but one guy had left. You can't swap teams.. at all. There is a swap sides button but its unclickable. For the PC of course. Really?
I picked up L4D2 tonight, it has some pretty nice improvements over the first one. The chainsaw is WAY too much fun. Anyone else picking up the game? I'd be down for some co-op. My steam tag is Evolution0325.
There is a fairly decent amount of activity going on within that Steam Group, from what I can tell. Most people are playing MW2 or L4D2. To those who are looking "Rudius Media Message Boards (RMMB)" is the name of the group.
I picked up Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 last week and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. My new favorite thing to do? Set your perks on: Perk 1 Marathon - permanent sprint Perk 2 Light - run faster Perk 3 Commando - longer melee range And just run around the map like a fuckin idiot with a pistol equipped and knife the shit out of people. I found out about this after a guy did it to our team and went 26-4. As long as you play your angles correctly, hug walls and avoid huge open areas, you can absolutely dominate (and piss people the fuck off in the process). I've been chewed out in postgame lobbies more from this than any other thing I've done in any game in my life. Seriously, try it, especially once you become pro at all three perks.
This is what I do on certain maps, and I always have twice as many kills on specific maps. Instead of light, I would switch to cold-blooded if I were you. They wont see you on UAVs and it makes it easier to sneak up on people. Plus if you're using a light gun (e.g. machine pistol, P90, etc) you will run fast anyways. Surprise carries much more value than speed. Maps I use cold blooded - Wasteland, Underpass, Derail, Estate, Invasion, Karachi Maps I use hardline - Afghan, Favela, High Rise, Quarry, Rundown, Scrapyard, Skidrow, Sub Base, Terminal The reason for Invasion and Karachi - there are SO many angles that you can be hit from that it helps to be invisible to radar. The other big, typical sniper, maps are when I run around stabbing people who are camping and scoped in and oblivious to their surroundings. However, depending how the game is going, I will switch. If we're getting beat, I'll throw it to cold-blooded (since the other team probably has constant UAVs). If we're winning, I'll put it on hardline to keep it rolling.
Just got COD2 too, nick is timmer03 And did anyone else feel really shitty on single player when you're a @$%ing terrorist at the airport?
This level caused a huge uproar in the games journalism community. This article, I thought, was particularly interesting. Dispenses with the "OMG should they have done it" angle and just gives you a personal experience with the level. I really have to commend Infinity Ward for daring to push the limit that little bit with such a high profile release. Events like these will advance gaming (and the public view thereof) past the cookie-cutter blockbusters that the industry seems prone to.
Not at all, I tried to use as many bullets possible in that level. Does that make me a serial killer who is going to snap one day and go nuts inside a store? Nope, but I also had no desire to try to stop them from shooting the civilians. I didn't actually "feel" anything during the mission, it was more of a "okay, what am I doing in the next chapter?" The moments that made me feel something were Spoiler Seeing D.C. war-torn and having an invading force wrecking the capital. Just something about that offended me, and I had a burst of feeling like "Oh fuck this, these bastards are not gonna get away with this"
Just for the record, trying to teach your wife how to play MW2 when the last console she ever played on was an N64 is a bad idea. Somehow my help was misconstrued as "yelling at her." I was merely suggesting she use the god damn sights. My bad.
I do the same, except I use Ninja as perk 3 instead of Commando. With the pro version, they can't hear your footsteps (like the Dead Silence perk in cod4). It's amazing how easily you can sneak up on people when you're lightning fast AND silent. I recommend doing this on the Favela map, especially during a Free-for-all game. You can parkour the fuck out of that map and all of the small passageways and corners are perfect for knife kills.
Luckily the game is so balanced that there's a counter to everything. In this case I'd like to present exhibit A: The Mini-Uzi. Add the rapid fire attachment and you have the highest fire rate of any gun in the game, perfect for making Ninja's into swiss cheese. For double humiliation you can Bling it out with either Thermal or FMJ so you can't even hide behind walls.
Haha, so that is why when I tried to talk to you, when you joined our game, you weren't talking. The old lady must have been glaring over your shoulder.
Actually, I probably had the headset turned down. I had just left a bunch of whiny 12 year olds behind, and don't always remember to turn the headset volume back up. I wish there was a way to filter opponents by age. God damn 12 year olds, always killing me and talking shit in their high pitched girl voices.
Select button, highlight person, press A. I do this a good 8 times per game. MW2 really fucked up by not letting you have party chat.
Me and all of my friends that play just went to the profile settings and changed the voice settings so I only hear friends. Pretty helpful.