I completely agree. I'm like Tyrone Biggums over here and we probably won't get a (significant) reimbursement. It sucks Sony has us by the balls like this.
Sell the Xbox on CL or trade it into Gamestop for as much as you can get and put it toward a new one before your shit explodes.
The PSN thing is an especial bitch. I rented Portal 2 (and MK) from work and nyoinked the free Steam code too but can't use it because of the outage. Hopefully it gets back up before I have to return it. I read somewhere that it is rumored to be back up Tuesday. I can't even fucking play Dead Space 2 because the suit I am using is an online exclusive and it won't even load up my game without being logged in. Aaaaand because I was wearing it when I beat the game, it won't even let me start up a new round from the cleared game save. Motherfuck!
*Puts on nerd rage hat.* No it does not settle the Xbox/PS3 debate! So PSN has been messing up for 4-5 days, and has been completely out for another 3-4 days. Let me ask you a question, what the turn around on a RROD replacement? I've heard its somewhere around 2-4 weeks. Also certain people have had to send it in multiple times. I can still watch Netflix (if I actually paid for movies), watch porn through the browser, play all my games, still use it as a media center, still collect trophies, and watch Blu-ray movies. Oh and I still have that 50 bucks to buy another game. How are those HD-DVDs doing? [Insert KIMaster style belittling here.] *Takes off nerd rage hat.* Chances are we're not getting shit. Except maybe some free premium themes and a free episode of Qore, maybe some free Home furniture! I don't care though, I'll just be happy to have the shit back up and running. Its also cool because its allowed me to actually get through some single player games and not spinning wheels with friends playing online only not advancing any story lines.
I heard they were thinking about selling 15 months of Playstation Plus for the cost of 12 months. Useless for me personally, I don't play nearly enough video games.
I'm still on the fence about NBA 2k11 and whether I want to drop the $40 on it or not. Somebody convince me it's worth it or should I just stick to first person shooters now that I'm finally tired of playing Madden for 8 years?
This week on League of Legends has been awful. It was free Mordekaiser week and that's like the werewolf full moon for idiots who think they can carry a team by being overextending tryhards. Also played with a lot of TiB'ers recently I realized we need teamcomp lessons. I think we mostly all solo- or duo- queue, which leads to playstyle of playing hard carries because thats how you pubstomp. When 4 of us are put together though, a team of Tryndamere, Corki, Ryze, and Xin Zhao can't beat anyone, no matter how much damage we do because all those characters lack utility besides PURE DEEPS. I need to learn a support characters, and a new tank since Malphite got nerfed.
I am always up for tips and tricks. I tend to play ranged champs because I suck at tanks and don't know the correct builds. I have a friend I play with pretty often, and he's great with the helpful tips and such. Yay friends who don't get mad at you for sucking in a team game! We use skype and he tells me things along the way. I think that using voice comms are the best way for me to learn, because I'm like a puppy. If I do something wrong, I probably won't remember 10 minutes later.
What time are you usually on? I can help with some basics and Penetration Station (solcon in game) helped me with a lot of shit in game. So if we can get in a group, it'll help.
I've gotten the RROD twice before and each time it's only taken around 5-6 business days to send my old one and receive a new one. I've heard that's it's supposed to take 2-4 weeks though. I guess I'm just lucky. Thanks everyone, I kind of figured that it'd be the red rings but I've never had my system just freeze. Normally whenever it dies I'll be playing it and it's fine and then the next time I turn it on, it's dead. I guess this time it's warning me beforehand.
I can probably be on tonight if you are around. I think I played with you once, but in case you don't have my info, my in-game name is RLC.
I'm Javane in game, we haven't played. You added me so you're on my list. I'll be on tonight and we'll lane together so coaching can happen. Make sure to hit up Mobafire for builds and gameplay ideas first. Last thing you want is anyone saying "wtf are you building?"
What irks me the most about the PSN outage is that Sony isn't saying a fucking word about anything that's happening. The entire network has been down since Wednesday, and today, five days in, the update we get from The PlayStation Blog is: Seriously? Nothing more to say to us? Weak. I read some stuff on reddit (link here) that sounds plausible, but that's it.
So because I'm a total and complete Final Fantasy whore I went out and bought FFIV The Complete Collection for my PSP. Even though I own the PS version (Final Fantasy Chronicles), have the SNES FFII cartridge, FFIV Advance for the GBA, and FFIV DS. Something is seriously wrong with me. With that said it is a very nice, clean looking remake. I'm not a big fan of the cartoony look of the 3-D FF remakes for the DS. They also have a rearranged version of the music tracks, although IMO they pale in comparison to the originals so far. The collection also contains FFIV The After Years for those of you who haven't DLed it through the Wii Virtual Console, and a new Interlude chapter which apparently bridges FFIV and The After Years. Of course, the Japanese got a collector's "Ultimate Pack" which apparently had an art book and an OST CD for The After Years. Japan has all the fun.
The blog update is also worth reading: I guess I stand corrected on the "PSN is free" argument. I don't believe that entirely, even when I wrote it the other day, though I still think the principle stands, to some degree.
It started on Wednesday. It's Tuesday. Still offline, I double checked. One full week without PSN, without any kind of meaningful feedback from Playstation/Sony/whoever. This is such bullshit.
How many Microsoft and Nintendo execs do you think have blown their loads over this? For Sony's sake, this better not happen near the release of the next generation of systems.
Yes it's bullshit but lets be real here, If all of PSN was compromised and every single game and service was hacked and/or glitchy, would you want PSN to still be running? Fuck it, I say let them have a week to work on their security and fix some major issues once and for all. Naturally, I say this now and not earlier in the week since I was too busy detoxing while shivering, vomiting, crying, etc.