Back on topic: I was just told that my new job not only offers me access to pre-street-date DVDs and Blu-Rays, but also access to pre-street-date Games. I'm hoping to get my hands on games like inFamous 2 early next month, and if I'd have known games were on the list of things we could take for free before street date, I'd have probably checked out Brink just for shits and giggles, even if I can't play FPS games. I think I'm going to enjoy my job much more now.
I just want this to come out already. Between that and LA Noire, I'm going to wish there were more hours in the day.
I think my ps3 just died. It just turned off and the red light started to blink. Am i buying a new one? Just heading out the door and dont have time to google.
Send it in for servicing. Go to the Playstation website and look up support. If you can find a way to back up your hard drive, I'd recommend it. I had mine back within a week or so, with the main pain in the ass being that I lost all my saves.
Does anyone here play AC: Brotherhood for multiplayer? I believe D26 does (I've asked this once before, a while back). My GOD does it take fucking forever to get into a match. Once I get in, I'm fine. But the time it takes to initially connect to a game makes Black Ops lobbies look fast by comparison.
I just played Brink for the first time tonight. Initial impression after 30 minutes of play: good ideas, shitty execution. I can't put my finger on why, but the game is just boring. I played the first two missions of the campaign and turned it off. The combat felt like Fallout 3 minus VATS. I would have forgiven it if the story was compelling, but I simply didn't give a shit. I haven't played multiplayer yet, so it could be awesome online. I'll check back later this week and let everyone know.
Sounds more like you're paying 150 to get it repaired and you've lost all your shit. That just happened to me 3 months ago. No matter what model you had, you're probably going to get a brand new one of the same model.. If you have a larger HDD in there and not the factory one, take it out and put in the factory one. Send it in. All of this can be found on the PS3 website. But its better to call them, because you can ask a ton of questions.
Yeah, I had that problem a few times. It took me forever to actually get connected to a match, but once I was in, I was in for good, and rematches always had quick turnaround. That didn't bother me as much as when the game would glitch out, and I'd be violently stabbing an opponent to death, only to have the game stall, then come back to find that I've been killed twice. That was much more annoying, although it only happened twice.
Yeah, PS3 just died also. I'm entering a depression because my first one of 5 years died 4 months ago. This is the replacement that died. No way in fuck i'm paying another 150. I wrote them nicely saying so. Hopefully they try to do something in the middle of their PR shitstorm. Fuck, there goes 50 hours of gaming in a flash. Son of a bitch, once again I'll have to start ACII, Infamous, Black Ops, and Final Fantasy XIII all fucking over again.
Downloaded and played some of Outland tonight, an XBL Arcade title. Right off the bat, as soon as I started playing, I was really impressed with the visuals. This game has a really nice, dark art style that I just dig. It's a 2D platformer type adventure, and there is a cool mechanic that has you switching between light and dark sides (Blue and Red) so that you can interact with elements of the world that are of either of those types. Platforms can only be stood on if you match their color, same with damaging enemies and avoiding damage from various energy beams, etc. It's got a pretty cool, mythical feel to the story too. If you're looking for a solid game for $10 that you can pick up and play for as short or long of a time period as you want, I highly recommend it.
When the first one died, how difficult was it to re-download the games you bought off PSN? Did they try to make you pay at first? Also, as for game saves (and forgive me if this has been brought up already) how do you back them up? Can I stick a USB flash drive in the machine and just back the data it up on my computer or an external hard drive? Mine's close to four years old and I feel like I should start my burial plans.
Yea, i was wondering that as well. Since mine is dead, i cant really do anything about it. But i wish i had the original 60gig one, i know lots of people who still have them and they haven't died yet.
You can re-download ANYTHING you've ever bought from the PS store, once it's back up of course. Yes, you can stick a flash drive in your PS3 and backup all your save game files, and I would do so post-haste. My original 60 gig yellow-lighted and I lost every single game save file I had, plus all the pictures and music I had stored on there as well, I couldn't even pull it off the hard drive, which I removed to try and get my files out unsuccessfully.
My original NES is still fucking running after over 20 years, dozens of moves, unbelievable abuse, and truly countless hours of gameplay. It's a shame that with all the good that comes with a powerful console, stability is the price paid. Going to fire up River City Ransom, and take a drink everytime someone says "BARF!".
Just went to turn on my original NES, and it doesn't work . It worked last time i turned it on. It kind of half turns on, but just blinks, and has lines of what is supposed to be on the screen, in 1" stripes or so, going horiztonal.
I have similar issues but it will eventually work. It depends on what game cartridge you insert more than the console itself. If I want to play my games on the NES that's older than I am, I need to break out the rubbing alcohol and Q-tips. Firstly, blow like crazy into the cartridge and the console slot itself. Continue to reinsert the cartridge into the console and turn on and off the game. You will probably get different visual results on the screen. If you get a fucked up looking picture but the game is working somewhat, continue to reinsert the cartridge while resetting the power. While doing all of this, you can wipe and dry the cartridge and even inside of the console slot with rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip. Eventually, you should get the game to work but just don't touch the console until you're done with that game unless you want it to freeze the game. Again, some of your games will work way better than others. Although all of the things I just said are advised against by the warning labels on the games, these are the only methods that have worked for me since the 90s. Playing an old-as-fuck NES now requires LOTS of patience and time to get some of the games going, but it's totally worth it. Or be like me and eventually start bashing the top of the NES until shit works, but I'll be damned if I'm not getting my Dr. Mario running. Sadly, while my NES will still work as described above, my original Sega Genesis has died sometime last year. I had it working and was having my fun on Sonic early last year with no issues. The games all worked perfectly and I never had to do anything that I normally do to the NES to get them to run. I think a fucking fuse blew in the console or something, because I can't get any power to the system no matter what I tried. Just thinking about my dead Sega makes me furious.
Just picked up Portal 2 tonight, it's addicting as all hell. Play for about 45 minutes and on chapter 3 to the first section where they introduce turrets. Then, my controller died. Can't wait to pick it up for a little while over the weekend.
I know this sounds crazy, but I was blown away when I did this. Get some WD-40 and lightly spray the contacts inside the console. Make sure you give it plenty of time to dry before you power it up again. After I did this my NES worked like (practically) new.
Thanks for all the input, i just did some reading online, and just went out and bought a new one, and i am going to try and fix it myself, there seems to be 2 different ways to fix most of the problems, either take it apart and bake it in the over for a bit, or take a heat gun and do the same thing to one area of one of the boards. When i have time i will attempt it and let you know how it goes.