I'll probably end up getting LBP and Dead Nation, as I already own inFamous. I've often considered picking up Little Big Planet, but could never bring myself to do it for some reason. Other than LBP and inFamous, I didn't really care about any of the other games at all, and Dead Nation looked like the best of the lot for what I enjoy. As for Playstation Plus, I'm not sure how that works. However, I can't believe that they'd charge you more for letting your membership lapse. I could easily see a bunch of people buying cheaper Playstation Plus games, which really only serves to help Sony by showcasing that people aren't afraid of using the Playstation Store. Turning around and pissing them off by charging extra when their free membership runs out would just be a PR nightmare that they don't want or need right now.
Little Big Planet and Wipeout HD for me. Aw man, Wipeout takes me back. First Playstation game I've ever played. Good times.
With regards to my Kmart post, I made a mistake. You get ONE game priced $19.99 or under. I'm a almost 2 hours into LA Noire now. I am really into it. Very engaging and the storyline has me hooked, I don't care about skipping cut scenes. There are only 21 story mode cases though and I'm already on my 5th. There are a number of side missions at least, so here's hoping that draws out the game a bit instead of just trying to find all 13 newspapers and all 50 reels and such. Also, I hate having to drive carefully. Stupid pedestrians. Preliminary verdict: Happy with my purchase. I'd recommend it.
For PS3 I'm definitely getting LBP and I sucked badly at Wipeout so I think that leaves me with Super Stardust HD as I'm not a big zombie shooter person. For PSP, Killzone and Mod Nation Racers are my winners. For anyone with a PSP, do not get Pursuit Force. Do not get that game. That game is worth 99 cents, maybe 4.99 at the most. All three other games are better choices. Then again my PS3 is at the shop. Thank god it was under warranty, but then again its a bad sign when a brand new system lasted 90 days in damn near perfect surroundings. Oh well, League of Legends it is.
Anyone playing The Witcher 2? I don't know anything about it really, never paid any attention to the first one, but I've seen it pop up on steam and on reddit and the only 3 reviews for it on metacritic so far are in the 90+ range. I'm curious if it's good, might be something to play after I finish LA Noire. Speaking of LA Noire, played for about 3-4 hours tonight and really had a lot of fun with it. The facial animation stuff isn't perfect but it is still damned impressive and leaps and bounds above everything else out there. It's going to make it tough going back to games like Mass Effect and all those dead, lifeless eyes. It's pretty cool being able to recognize actors you've seen in tv shows and movies and just how damned close the faces in the game are to the real people. Aside from that, the detective work gameplay is really fun, collecting clues and then interviewing and grilling witnesses and suspects based on what you find. The interviews have proved to be a little tougher than I thought they would be.
This. Seems I'm lucky to get 2 out of every 3 interrogation leads correct. I think you have to factor in the circumstances under which you are interrogating them when you make your decisions about whether they are lying or not.
Are there any indications when the Playstation store will be back up and running? Also, is anyone else hoping that to deter people from switching to Microsoft after this debacle, Sony will make PS4 backwards compatible with PS3 games and maybe PS2 games? It would be bitchin' if I could move my downloaded games to the new system.
I looked in the instruction manual and it gave some decent hints about how to look for people withholding information. My only problem is then how you decide whether to choose "Doubt" or "Lie." Sometimes I feel like I have something that directly contradicts what the person is saying, but they disagree and instead insist I told them their mother was a whore and a Nazi then storm off. Luckily before a lot of interviews there will be a save point so if you want you can back out to the dashboard after you see how many questions you got right, then start the game from that save point and try the interview again. Also, maybe it's just me and I suck at running, but I can't seem to catch a fleeing criminal on foot. Instead every chase sequence ends in a hostage situation, and I'm forced to take down my perp with a headshot. I tried firing a single bullet into a guy's back (very honorable of me) as he was running away and I think the whole process slowed me down more than it did him.
You only use the "Lie" option if you have concrete evidence that proves their dishonesty. You choose the evidence to present to them from your case file notebook. Otherwise you use the "Doubt" option. I can catch em every time, but for some reason I can only do the "fire a shot into the air to scare them" every once in a while.
I read a review for the game that suggested the reason for this was that the developers didn't want you using this tactic at the start of a chase and missing out on all the content they had prepared for you. So basically you can only use the warning shot after you've "run the course", so to speak.
Ahhh... how fun. Security is harder than a lot of people think. It's not just about settings and patches and stuff, it's starts with the design of the application, and architecture, and the procedures and policies that they're wrapped up in. If you have an insecure system, from the start, it's usually pretty difficult to fix it in a hurry. If they were running old versions of Linux and Apache, that is generally indicative of them having bigger problems. In a lot of online video game networks, it's very much a "build it, deploy it, cut the staff, forget about it" scenario, as most teams that aren't actively and directly making money are cut by the idiotic bean counters to the point that they are forced into a reactive response, rather than being proactive. I've seen it happen at a lot of the top game companies, and it sucks. There's a reason why I think EA will be tits up in under 3 years.
And then you have Microsoft who takes PR to a whole 'nother level. Apparently some of the DVD drives they use do not work with the new disc's that are going to be coming out that allow for an extra gigabyte of space. So, what do they do to fix people's XBox 360's that have this issue? Give them a brand spanking new 250 GB 360. I've got my fingers crossed!
Jesus Christ. At this point, its like the Hackers are just itching to fuck anyone who owns a PS3. At what point do we stop being angry at Sony and start being pissed at the hackers who can't help but fuck us over, seemingly, for shits and giggles. Edit: Unrelated note: Watching this video has my absolutely drooling in waiting for inFamous 2.
Yeah, that's nice - but I'd rather if Sony worked something out with Activision so that the next DLC was free. The DLC after that, too. Heck, make them all free!
For me, it was the instant I heard that hackerz were the reason for the PSN shutdown. Unlike most others, I've not been mad at Sony very much for all this. I'm mad at the people responsible for this. Sure, the hackers are mad that Sony went after one of their buddies but #1, Sony was well within its rights to DO that and #2, why they gotta punish the little guys (gamerz) too? Some may argue that "Well, Sony took forever to tell us that they got hacked." but even that isn't that bad. Sony wanted to wait until it had all the information before causing mass panic. Besides, if they had told us earlier, what good would it have done? It wasn't going to bring the network back up and there wasn't a fucking thing anyone could have done about it at that point anyway. *edit* Came in here to post about the 360 thing but bucmaster beat me to it. <a class="postlink" href="http://consumerist.com/2011/05/microsoft-reaching-out-to-xbox-360-owners-whose-systems-wont-play-games.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://consumerist.com/2011/05/microsof ... games.html</a>
I'm just mad because during that first period of the psn being down, netflix worked fine. Now that they've brought it down a second time, netflix won't work. What gives? My girlfriend and I couldn't watch BSG last night!
If there are damages from this, I'll be interested in seeing a class action lawsuit filed. I just feel like they're patronizing us just a tad with a double XP weekend. I don't know anything about IT security, but as Nett had pointed out, security starts from the ground up. Without completely overhauling their online service, aren't we at risk again? Sony seems more concerned about getting players back online than security.
There's the problem. If Sony takes more time to build a new system from the ground up, it's going to take way longer than any gamer is willing to wait. The few weeks the system was out was enough for people to start jumping ship and losing patients. At the same time, they're going to crucify Sony for any more security breaches. Sony has to somehow find a happy medium between keeping its players happy and beefing up security. They're fucked either way.