I have literally blown through at least 75 lives in the last 2 hours trying to get through 5-K on Donkey Kong Country Returns. I have all the puzzle pieces but I just can't quite get to the end. For serious, that level can get fucked. Hard.
L.A. Noire is Amazing. I'm almost done with the Homicide cases, and lemme tell you... It's kicked my ass. I never played Heavy Rain (and people still give me shit for that), but from what I hear, it's like putting that game in a Rockstar Games world. This is NOT GTA with a badge. It's a GTA world where you can't drive like crazy, shoot guns at passersby, or in any way harass the public. And yet it's so satisfying. When you find the clues and gauge the interview questions correctly, you kinda wanna do a triple low fist pump. AND YOU CAN (as long as no one is watching)! It's seriously addictive, though. I'm about 10 hours of gameplay in, and the only reason I'm not done yet is that I had to go to work.
For me it's feast or famine. I'll go through a case and smoke every interview and nail some sick fuck to the wall, then the next case I'll utterly tank, barely getting one out of five of the questions right, and for some reason I actually feel like shit when the Irish Captain starts telling me "Boyo you really shit the bed on this case" It's amazing how immersed you can get while doing these cases. And Zorro you are an idiot for not playing through Heavy Rain yet. It's even Move supported now. Has anyone playing found any of the badge challenges yet using the film strips? The Fiancee (who loves this game incidentally, reminds her of The First 48) totally found one of the locations on the strip, it's at the case where you have to run around chasing the suspect through the movie set, but I CANNOT find the badge there and it's starting to frustrate me.
Fixed that for you. Heavy Rain + Move gets in your head like no game ever has for me. It goes to bed with you, wakes up with you, and just ebbs in the back of your brain until it is finished. Can't wait for the spiritual successor.
It depends. For a quick fix, they could throw in bunch of big-ass intrusion detection boxes on their network that have been programmed to recognize and deal with any kind of hackerish behaviour. That'd take about a week or so to do, and wouldn't require any changes on their core app servers. It just slides in between the client requests and the proxy servers. Mind you, they really should have done something like this to begin with, but it's expensive, and hard to validate the cost of. Sure, in hindsight it looks great, and somewhere there's an online architect going "SEEE!?!?!?!", but accountants run the gaming companies. It'd also take that long to figure out a proper OS/Apache config that is more secure than what hey have, which was the threat vector for the first intrusion in the first place. Making quick hacks to the system to make it more secure could be done in as little as 6-8 weeks, if I had to guess. A rebuild from scratch? Never going to happen. The certification and testing process for all the games is INSANE. It took me and my team 2 solid years to build out the EA Sports online system, and just as long for the Need For Speed World online system. The expense, even with full-on hacks they've had, just isn't worth it, and really, they probably don't need it. At most, you'll find that they'll try to patch things up, improve their detection and monitoring, and add layers to the security onion. It'll be an ongoing thing over the next year, I'd say.
My friend let me borrow Batman: Arkham Asylum last night. Any hopes I had of being productive this weekend just went bye-bye.
LOVE that game. The stealth sections make my heart race and my palms sweat. How far into it are you? I want to know if you've made it to the best section(s) of the game yet but don't want to spoil anything. Can't wait for Arkham City. Hopefully they didn't change much in the way of the formula.
Agreed. I hardly have the time to play video games lately but when AC comes out I WILL be taking a full weekend to play it. AA was a great Batman game, but more importantly a great video game in general.
I started that game the other day after getting it at a reduced price. I don't really like games that are tied to a script so much so I stopped playing. But if it gets better at later levels, as you say, maybe I'll stick at it a bit more. I got to the point where you first get to the bat cave after saving the scientists
So that means you've gotten the Batclaw, which means that you've passed the first Spoiler Scarecrow section? I'm sure it's not much of a spoiler at this point, since most people rave about those parts but they are so well done. And I can't say enough about the stealth sections with the henchmen. The one where the gargoyles blow up really messed with me. Still waiting for Rob4Broncos to answer the question though. He's probably knee deep in Arkham's sewers by now.
Fuck now I know why I uninstalled LoL the first time. 75 minute game, aced them twice and still lost. Stupid team didn't ever want to push.
So my XBox 360 just red ringed. It is out of warranty. I've been told that this is terminal, and that repair is basically hopeless. Is it worth sending it to Microsoft in hopes of a $99 repair, or should i pony up for a replacement.
Not to sound dense but you did jiggle/unplug and replug the cords, right? Our 360 at work was flashing red lights and it turned out that it was just a loose cord.
I haven't played Halo too much since Halo3 came out and I played online ( I was pretty fucking good at Halo 2 when it was popular) and I was thinking of picking up Reach.... Has anyone been playing or had experience with the online? Is it any good/drastically different?
And that is exactly the reason why I keep returning to the game. 75 minute game where an enemy carry gets fed at the beginning, they start ganking the entire team, you get aced a few times and only manage to defend the final two towers for a while and then a brilliant push wins the game. Of course the even matches are even better. I've twice been in a situation where both teams were hacking away at the enemy nexus trying to be the first to bring it down. Fun fun.
I just read that they've added 10 mastery pages free that you can use. That had been my biggest gripe was trying to quickly respec if you needed to switch role in the champion selection screen, so I'm very glad to see this. I also hear they are finishing up the rework of stealth so I'm curious to see how that'll go and see if I can go back to playing Twitch more.
Heads up for you guys. Blockbuster (if there are still any left near you) are having a BOGO sale on all used games 14.99 and under. There are some decent titles out there to at least add to your collection. I got Fallout 3, Street Fighter IV, and Grid for PS3 and Super Mario Galaxy for a grand total of $25 + tax.
Depends. If it's out of warranty it's prob old, if that don't bother you I'd pay the $99 (it does take around 2+ weeks for the process). I've burnt out my system 3 times by playing DVD's on it non stop, first two times sent it in under warranty, third paid the $99 (that's not a statement on a shitty repair job, I literally used the hell out of it in a poorly ventilated location), and then eventually just upgraded to the Slim. If you have the money, upgrade. If not, don't bother saving up, send it in.